Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Living Image Arise!

An online social collaboration community for transforming everyday photos into interconnected, multidimensional living resources.
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Photo objects are indeed distinct, silent entities, acquiring a voice dependant upon the perceiver. They may hold additional untapped information to contribute to a scene or have completely different stories to tell within another context. What if it were possible to identify all meaningful objects within a photograph then, based upon these entities, contribute additional valuable emotional or informational messages extending upon the dimension of what would otherwise be a static scene. Seemingly mundane imagery would spring to life before many more viewers intensifying their personal connections with it and other content.

This is NOT an automated facial recognition tool like Riya or the Mech Turk...it's an online social collaboration community where through mouse clicks anyone can identify compelling elements within a photo then have those entities, or fragments, reach out and associate with other equally fascinating, socially pertinent photos or informational content. Follow-up material too may be marked up for subsequent association thereby not only enabling the social community to extend upon what they perceive but also empowering them to develop and reveal interconnectedness amongst interesting everyday-life images and informational content.

The unyielding social efforts of building, refining, and dissolving threads amongst media progressively evolve the original static content into a multidimensional “Living Image”. This innovative approach to information development and consumption facilitates the discovery, learning, and relating of the greater detail within an image (i.e. personal photos, entertainment snapshots, headline news). It offers a unique perspective on telling a story by embracing the natural way we perceive information and ask questions about them, and in so doing redefining the playground from WYSIWYG to WYSIWYC, What You See Is What You Connect. Photography gave us “Still Images”, video produced “Motion Pictures”, and now this gives you the “Living Image”.


1. You visit this related site on e.g., Oscar awards night (a U.S. big event) and see an image of actress Nicole Kidman (a snapshot of her walking and smiling on the Red Carpet of the Oscars).

2. Prior to your seeing this image on the site the existing community (of the site) has already identified (and marked up)the existing visual objects of this photo(or you can participate and mark up objects and link info to them too) in the image (including her hair, her dress gown, her bracelets, rings, people in the background, her face, etc).

3. If you move your mouse over any existing object found in this image it will highlight indicating more information can be found by clicking it. Such clickable information can include: similar pictures, or a "Buy Now" link, or textual facts about what it is,etc.

quantass, Nov 13 2007


       Further examples:   

       Imagine a photograph of say an image from "24" (the tv series) and Jack Bower is wearing some unique looking watch...Imagine being able to "click" that watch (as defined by the social comm of this site on that image) and be taken to a Buy Now page or to a related page of information about that watch, or a page with other related images where that watch has appeared (e.g., other tv shows -- images from their shows)..   

       Another possibility, maybe you are interested in this very form-fitting jeans on a hot chick you are looking at in an image and you want to find other pictures of hot women in similarly tight form-fitting jeans with that same shot perspective.   

       Another possibility, you see a microwave in the background of a photo of a war-torn country and want to know some interesting facts about it...you hover/click on the microwave found in the photo and discover a known hardware defectiveness that makes it illegal to be sold in a Western society but seeing it in a war-torn country may suggest the manufacturer is probably still selling it to less privileged countries for a profit. This could uncover new stories for the world to be made aware of.
quantass, Nov 13 2007

       <aside> I read a sci-fi novel a few years ago that featured sunglasses (named "Stunglasses" in the book) wirelessly linked to the 'net, that did the same as this, on the fly in the real world, with a heads-up-type display, so (depending on settings) whatever you looked at would have a floating summary/link associated with it. ie: look at a car, and it would display make, model, year, tech data, owner (reg. lookup), etc.
Can't remember the title or author, and Googling "Stunglasses" brings up heaps of inane stuff not related to the book. </aside>
neutrinos_shadow, Nov 13 2007

       This could be baked quite easily with a Facebook add-on application. You already have the ability to mark who is in a photo so it's a small step to add what is in a photo. I think people would 'tag' landmarks more than products but if it took off, major brands would start employing people to trawl looking for and tagging their products.
marklar, Nov 13 2007


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