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Russian doll shotgun shells

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This shotgun shell has within it a smaller shell, with yet a smaller shell inside that. BUNGCO shell artisans are determining whether the firing of one shell is enough to trigger the next, or whether a short magnesium fuse should be installed in the back of the inner shells, to allow them some flight time before going off.

The benefit of this is that range might be longer, and the video made with these shells will attract much traffic on YouTube.

bungston, Mar 30 2017

Shrapnel shell https://en.wikipedi...wiki/Shrapnel_shell
Simple and effective [8th of 7, May 19 2018]


       'Matryoshka', derived from the familiar form of Russian 'Matryona', which means 'lady'. In the same way that Mongolian people don't live in yurts and all those cold war B movies actors who ranting on about 'Ivan' when Ivan means 'John'.   

       If I could find a bit of video with John Wayne talking about Ivan, it might become too recursive, except his first name was Marion.
not_morrison_rm, Mar 30 2017

       Exponential failure, the smaller the charge and mass therefore reduced distance on the next stage. Although, a greater explosive that is better controlled could be used.   

       If there was some magical triggering system then wouldn't gamma radiation be the last doll?
wjt, Mar 31 2017

       wjt: let us not have the good be the enemy of the perfect. Although good is envious of perfect's sweet shoes and posh accent. I am interested here not in the fact that interior shells are smaller than exterior (the other way around almost never works) but whether firing a shotgun shell out of a shotgun shell would cause the interior shell to go off, preferably at some distance in front of the gun.
bungston, Mar 31 2017

       Does a smaller shell fire in the same direction as the larger shell from which it is born, or in the reverse direction? This might have a bearing on the nature of the protective clothing recommended to be worn by the shooter.
hippo, Mar 31 2017

       This sounds like something for [taofledermaus] to test. [+]
notexactly, Mar 31 2017

       Google search for [taofledermaus] got me there - searching the 'bakery for a user by that name was confusing.   

       He makes some beautiful rounds, but word to the wise - stick to storebought for home use. Custom loads get juries all excited.
normzone, Mar 31 2017

       Hmm...like the Space X rockets, is it possible to get the initial shell to autonomously make its own way back to the shotgun?
not_morrison_rm, Mar 31 2017

       //range might be longer//   

       Or then again, it might not be.   

       Consider. You have slightly less propellant, in total, in your nested shell than in a simple shell of the same size. Also, when the second shell detonates, it is using the first one as a chamber, and the first shell has less mass than the gun, and therefore will absorb more of the energy as recoil. Theresofore, your overall range will be reduced.
MaxwellBuchanan, Mar 31 2017

       /slightly less propellant/ - how so? All the propellant of the first shell, plus that of second plus that of the third. At least double the propellant.   

       My goal is for this to be like rocket stages. I would like second shell to detonate in flight, which is why I was pondering substitution of the primer with a fast fuse.
bungston, Mar 31 2017

       Effectively at infinite shells this converges to a rocket.
RayfordSteele, Mar 31 2017

       Yes! That's the kind of productive commentary we need.
bungston, Mar 31 2017

       //All the propellant of the first shell, plus that of second plus that of the third. At least double the propellant. //   

       Hmm. But your final projectile is quite small, no? So, the "first" shell could instead contain just the small projectile, with the remainder being all propellant. Compared to that, your nested shells must have less propellant.
MaxwellBuchanan, Apr 01 2017

       //The benefit of this is that range might be longer//
yes, there is a certain likelyhood of that.
The probability is precisely zero, but we can save that for another time.
lurch, Apr 01 2017

       /the remainder being all propellant/   

       Because drag increases as the square of velocity, my hope is that limiting velocity will reduce energy lost too drag. A "staged" approach like this allows the small projectile to top up to its (low) muzzle velocity.   

       Lovely lurch: my sojourns into the Stack Exchange have stoked my groupie-like appreciation for physics. If you are motivated to wield the chalk I would delight in some learning. I am certain I am not alone here.
bungston, Apr 01 2017

       /This sounds like something for [taofledermaus] to test. [+]/   

       Yes, it was that site that got me pondering this. They fire some very interesting things out of shotguns. But no rocket ammo! Some the artisans who make these slugs could no doubt craft a beautiful little rocket. For myself I thought I could put a 20 gauge shotgun shell, tip it with the nosecone from a 4th of July rocket, and place it inside a 12 gauge shell.   

       It is within my imagination to replace the charge in the 20 gauge shell with something slower burning like a solid rocket motor, replace the strike pin on the back with a magnesium fuse, and hope that the hole left when the magnesium burns thru to the rocket is adequate to channel the thrust.
bungston, Apr 01 2017

       //drag increases as the square of velocity//   

       That reasoning sounds plausible to me. I know you can drive a car further per litre of fuel if you don't accelerate it above its comfortable cruising speed - so you might be able to push a pellet further per gram of propellant if you don't burn that propellant all at once. [+]
pertinax, May 18 2018

       But, by igniting a shell outside of the gun, you forgo the benefit of a barrel to contain and focus the force of the expanding gas.
notexactly, May 19 2018

       //by igniting a shell outside of the gun, you forgo the benefit of a barrel//   

       So, you need a gun that shoots a smaller gun, which flies through the air for a distance and then discharges its projectile (while somehow remaining accurately pointed at the target).
Wrongfellow, May 19 2018

       It's called a shrapnel artillery shell <link>, and it's Baked and WKTE.
8th of 7, May 19 2018


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