Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Make mine a double.

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Ski? Board? Why not both?
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These boards fit one to each foot, they have the foot holds for your feet that you would find on a snowboard, however they are mounted on a small turntable device.
The bottom of the board is an oblong shape, with the two furthest-set edges being curved upwards - think of them as enlarged frisbees with opposite sides cut straight - Allowing the person to turn around when they are using them as a board.
The turntable allows the skier to rotate the boards by 90 degrees, giving them the choice of skiing or boarding. The turntable would be held in place with 2 small clips on the flat sides - so that the user can alter them when they stop.
fridge duck, May 02 2005




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