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Shrink-wrap body bags
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Place the body in one of these, suck the air out and protect the forensic evidence.
nixter, Feb 04 2003

FoodSaver http://www.tilia.com/index.cfm
Kinda like this, but for bodies instead of food? [krelnik, Oct 04 2004]


       Exactly. Except that the idea is only good for a fairly short time. Human bodies exhale a mighty amount of air post mortem. It would be good for, say, the transport of a body between crime scene and crime lab.
nixter, Feb 04 2003

       Low pressure inert gas might be better than vacuum. Isn't it more likely that vacuum will promote evaporation of volatiles, and alter the pattern of post-mortem changes ?   

       What if your vacuum pump accidentally sucks up vital hair, fibre or skin flakes from the deceased ?
8th of 7, Feb 04 2003

       Using a vacuum might promote false petechiae, those broken blood vessels that are very often indicative of asphyxiation as the cause of death.   

       Also creating a vacuum around the corpse might result in the total evacuation of the remaining bowel contents, contaminating any trace evidence.
oneoffdave, Feb 04 2003

       [nixter], [admins]   

       Suggested category- Public:Law Enforcement.   

       Suggested Title: Shrink-Wrap Body Bag   

       Suggested Tag Line: Forensic evidence preservation by vacuum.
8th of 7, Feb 04 2003

       But wouldn't a vacuum make certain volatile chemicals evaporate faster? Do any forensically important substances react or decompose in air?   

       Only needs to be air-tight, methinks.
DrCurry, Feb 04 2003

       Bad idea. Consider one of those vacuum bags they sell on TV to compress your travel garmets.   

       Shrink-wrapping anything down to a near vacuum applies tremendous pressure to the applied surface, and would collapse the lungs and soft body tissues.   

       In fact, this is how we would squeeze out the excess glue when laying up carbon fiber / nomex body panels on the solar car. A cheap 14 psi or so, without having to put several tons of weights on the panel.   

       You also run the risk of evacuating important micro-evidence in the process.   

       If you were just removing excess air from surrounding the body and not dropping below atmospheric, that might be okay.
RayfordSteele, Feb 04 2003


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