Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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reality jigsaw

use those lost pieces , half sets and dog chewed bits
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Most pieces will fit even if picture is incorrect So a real puzzler should spend time using all those mistaken bits and sets to collage / pixelate something new under the sol . Fun because the is no right or wrong way and you get to cut the pieces if you want too .

really just art with waste jigsaw pieces ( innovation? )

wjt, Oct 12 2007

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       I don't know... I have a hard time piecing reality together.
wagster, Oct 13 2007

       Help is available - see jig-saw-jig-saw +
xenzag, Oct 13 2007

       [xenzag] has the antidote. This will get hairy soon <adds doghair to piece to make it fit>
daseva, Oct 16 2007


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