
“Cum catapultae proscriptae erunt tum soli proscripti catapultas habebunt.”

Apologies to Messrs. Van der Graaff and Szilárd for past nominal transgressions.

The seemingly odd spelling "dilemma" is said to stem from the Greek: "two choices", which seems to make sense until you realize that the word is for _difficult_ choices. "Do you want a million bucks or a sack of sh*t ?"

Gee, what a "dilemma" ?

The word, somewhat garbled, is from the Greek di+limnj - two lagoons : regrets with either choice. It actually is "dilemna".

Just sayin', carry on.

Undeniably Neat Things:
• GM Futurliner
• Steinway's Double Keyboard Piano
[marked-for-tagline] :
Powered by Newton... spinning in his grave
On Dancer! On Prancer! On Supercapacitor!
Faster than a receding mullet
Clod Computing
Kvetch of the Day
Navel Intelligence
Some Favorite Ideas:
This was going to be a list of other people's ideas but everybody that's been here more than a couple years has at least a double handful that really strike my fancy. So... back to the narcissism
A Small Portfolio Gallery (my own ideas: favourites, or ones that I'm promoting... sixty something of them, for your consideration)
Ego Wall filched from [21Quest]
Every once in awhile I decide to prune the idea list a bit: get rid of ideas that no longer amuse me or ones that seem to be tipping the overall feng shui too far into "practical". The following are some that I sorta wish I hadn't deleted along with their annotations, written here as a future self-caution... I may repost them and hope nobody notices.

Teflon Bucket - light-use steel bucket with teflon lining
Non-Circular Gear Pair PTO - compensates for engine power pulses
Cricket Bat Wind Power - simple tech-free wind power conversion
Geisha Fan Wind Power - as above
Abandoned Surface Mine Arcology - build a city in a big hole in the ground
Compound Blimp - a tiny unmanned dirigible tows the blimp around
Highway Stop Regenerative Ramping - use gravity, not brakes or gas
Triple Decker Highway Intersection - as above - reposted as "Sky Roundabout"
Easy Mapping Dietary Supplements - "this pill equals a serving of Brussel Sprouts"
Man's Washing Machine - "one button" washing machines are annoying
Media File System - physical tracks are "sectors" for large sequential files
Memory Jewellery - what ? recorder ring, etc.
Padded Toothbrush Head - ow
Parking Forests - trees yes, storm drains no
Pulsejet Auxiliary Engine - takeoff assist or engine-out emergency
Refrigerator Pedestal - for anybody over 4' tall to see into the freezer and fridge
Venetian Garage Door - works as well as any other design and looks neat
Aquatic Weightloss Habitat - alternative to lying in bed waiting for Oprah to show up
Window/Awning Combination - oversized outside pane, top-hinged
Automobile Pre-Start Warming/Cooling System - remote engine starting is dumb
Car Brolly - lightweight sun, bird and rain block
Pykrete Flood Wall System - water's available; just ship in sawdust
Lunar Rail System - reposted as Lunar Rail Distributed Infrastructure
Hybrid 3rd Pedal Control Schema - the auxiliary power (regen/launch) amount is controlled through a third pedal
Manually Powered Refrigerator: what it says.

Gee what an ego... anyways, after so much time on walkabout, I might even post a couple of things : Tongue Twizzler - my tongue goes autonomous at the dentist, so a fidget-spinner to keep it occupied Explosion Lighter : something zippo special edition... not sure what I was thinking

And, furthermore...
^ ! * + ÷ - . ± < = > ª º ¹ ² ³ Œ œ Ÿ % ‰ ° / \ ( ) , £ $ ¢ ¥ € € « » § ¶ ™ © ® „† ‡ " # & ? @ { | } ' [ ] : ; _ ` ~ ¡ ¨ ¬ ­ ¯ ´ · ¸ ¿ × À Á Â Ã Ä Å Ç ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö ¦ Ø ø Ù Ú Û Ü Ý à á â ã ä å è é ê ë ì í î ï ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö ù ú û ü ý Æ æ Œ œ ÿ Š š Ÿ Ž ž ƒˆ˜ – —‘ ’ ‚“ ” • … ‹ › µ Þ ß þ &

plinnane3 AT yahoo DOT com

[Dec 08 2007, last modified Sep 06 2023]

2nd Amendment Proof of Need (+3, -4)
4 Cylinder Compound-Mode Engine (+6, -1)
7½ League Boots (0)
A Rat's Ass (+4, -3)
Abdominal Snowman (+8, -4)
Abettor Mouse (+3)
Account Housekeeping - Flagged Links View (+5)
Ad-Based Student Sponsorship (+5, -1)
Aftermarket Stop/Start Kit (0)
Airburst Bullets (-1)
Airport Thrift Store (+14)
Anarchy Voting (+6)
Anti-Flywheel (+6)
Anti-Zamboni (+7, -2)
Antistatic Cat Strap (+6)
Apathy Parade (+13, -1)
Aquaballoon: Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Solution (+18, -1)
Artificial Limbs (+2)
Asymmetric Cylinder Displacement Engine (+2)
Asynchronous Voting (+10)
Auto-Ornithoptering Kite (+7)
Autoornithoptercopter (+4)
Baba Yaga Crockpot (+7)
Babelsynch (+1)
Backpack Mangle (+6, -2)
Ball Bearing Dispenser (+19)
Barnyard Waterslide (+4)
Battery/Battery Hybriding (+3)
Battlephones (+6)
Beard Embedded Nixie Tube Chew Counter (+1)
Bergboats (0)
Bernoulli's Spaceplane (+5, -2)
Blanket Apportioner (+6)
Bluetooth Suede Shoes (+3)
Bolo "AntiGravity" Device (+1, -4)
Bonsai Rainhat (+4)
Bonus Voting (-4)
Bow Tie Reading Glasses (+8)
Box'O'Mimes (+20, -1)
Brassiere-Matched Tops (+8, -1)
Brick Through a (+4, -1)
Brown-Note Assistance (-8)
Bubblewrap Condom (+9)
Bumperless Ramping Vehicles (+4, -1)
Business Card Grenade (+3)
Butt Chirper (+8, -1)
Butt Perfume (+4, -2)
ButtCast Pillows (+3, -1)
Butterfly Bow Tie (+18, -1)
Butterfly Knife, Fork & Spoon (+6)
Café Banco (+3)
Calliope Snowball Mortar (+7)
Cannelloni Pillow (+5)
Car Plumage (+5)
Carbon ChronoSequestration (+1, -2)
"Cardless" Card (+3, -1)
Cash for the Barren (+2, -3)
Cash-o-pedia (+6)
'Cat on Keyboard' Key (+9)
Cat Turntable (+3, -3)
Celebrity Coffee (+2, -2)
Certificate of Ignorance (+9)
Chainmail Pasta (+13)
Charity Tickets (+3)
Charlotte's Crocheting Printer (+9)
Chat Enhancer (+8, -2)
Chromatic Scale Clock (+8)
Chubby Rocketships (+3)
Cities of Magnificent Objects (+11)
Clankies (+4)
Clockwatchers' Clock (+11)
Coastal City Wastewater Relocation (+10)
Combover Toupee (+11, -1)
Command Chess (+6)
Computerized Abacus (+4, -1)
Conservation of Energy Chess (+10)
Construction Machinery Chess Set (+5, -1)
Convertible Movie (+4)
Coronavirus Body Scratcher (+3)
Cow Fart Burner (+4, -7)
Crankcase Sub/Supercharging (+1)
CryoSaw (+2)
Cuppa Clock (+6)
Cymbals-Monkey Grabber (+3)
Dandelions-B-Gone Garden Gnomes (+13, -2)
Darts Blinders (-1)
Day Hammock (+2)
Dazzle Pattern Clothing (+1, -1)
Defenestration 'Bot (+7)
Dentist's Drill Cozy (+3)
Desiccant Beads Hand Dryer (+8, -1)
Didgeridoo Kettle (+8, -1)
Directional Fart Detector (-4)
Director's Cut Episodes on DVD (+1, -1)
Disco Ball LED's (+1)
Dish Dryer & Defroster (+4)
Doctor Doolittle Device (+2)
Donut Piston (+4)
Door Blower (+3)
Doorknob Jigglelock (+11)
Doppler Effect for Pipe-Organ (+4)
Dragonsback Umbrella (+9)
Dreams'R'Us (+1, -3)
Driver Tilt Steering (+2)
Duck Feather Brolly (+12, -1)
Ear Wigs (+3)
Edison's Mellotron (+6)
Effigy Firelogs (+12)
Egocentric Clock (+4)
Ejection Saddle (+3, -1)
Electric Driveway-Ice Chisel (+3)
Electric Flywheel Hybrid Hybrid (+2)
Electric Sickle-Bar Mower (+2)
Electrical Maze Key/Lock System (+3, -1)
Electrolysis Painting (+6)
Elliptical Video Format (+3)
Enhanced Drinking Fountain (+5)
EU(R)BA (+1)
Exoskeletal House (+6)
Expanded Meh Indication (0)
Exterior Spray Building Cooling System (+3, -2)
Fake Dogpoop Landmine (+1)
Fanfold Bookbinding (+3)
Fanjet Clothes Dryer (+3)
Farting Fish Ice Cubes (+7)
Faux Guns (+1, -4)
FBI Search Engine (+1)
Feng Shui: The Board Game (+12, -1)
Fingernail Scraper (+4)
Fingernails on Chalkboard Alarm Clock (+1)
Fish Mixer (+13, -1)
Flavoured Litter (+3)
Flip Mask (+2)
Flocking House (+5)
Flying Cows (+6)
Flying, Flatulating Kayak with a Moustache (+9, -1)
Fogging Car Alarm (+2)
Freelance Bureaucrat (+11, -1)
Frequent Flyer Cacheing (+1)
Frog Hat (+4, -1)
Fuel Filler Door Cup Holder (+1)
Full Metal Burka (+3)
Furniture Prop (+3)
Güber (+4)
Game of Thrones Chess (+2)
Garbage Collection Trolleys (+3)
Garden Daleks (+5)
Garden Gnomes (+15)
Garden Variety CD (+2)
Gas Centrifuge Nuclear Reactor (+2)
Gauss Air Gun (+3)
Geomagnetic Motor (0)
Ghost Cylinder Engine (+2)
Gilligan's Orbital Island (+7)
Gingerbees (+7)
Gravity Swing (+7)
Greased Pig Chess (+6)
Green Shower (+12, -2)
Group Hooping (+2)
Gun Loudener (+1)
Hamsterball House (+12)
Harmonica Dentures (+11)
HB-specific Graphic Emoticons (+1, -3)
Heavy Metal Chess Set (+9, -1)
Heliotropic Cafe Umbrellas (+17)
Home Defense Immobilising Airbags (+12, -3)
Home Desalinator/HVAC (+3)
Home Distillery (+7)
Home Lifeboat (+8)
Home Thunderstorm Simulator (+18)
Honeycomb Ergonomics (+1, -1)
Hoverdress (+10, -1)
Hula Dancer Duster (+8)
Hybrid Rocket/Flywheel Spaceship Propulsion (+1, -4)
Hydrogen Tunnel (+3)
I-2+1 Compound Expansion IC Engine (+4)
I have a cold/the flu (+4)
Ice Floe Vacation (+8, -1)
Ice Table (+8)
iFaux'n 5 (+2)
iFireworks (+3, -3)
Ikea Pianö (+10, -1)
Immunization Sandbox (+9)
Inner-Wrist Wristwatch (0)
Intelligence Filter (+4)
International Rescue Museum (+1)
Intrinsic Value Currency (+1, -1)
Ion Zap Gun (+9)
Isosceles Trapezoidal Bed (+7)
ISS Weathervane (+6)
Item Display by Country of Manufacture (+6)
Jacob's Fountain (+9)
Journalism Schooling (+2)
Junk Exchange Lottery (+5)
Kama Sutris (+3)
Kitchen Sink Heater (0)
Laptop Airbag (+11)
Laptop Lock (+6)
Laser Brolly (+1, -1)
Laser Burner Printer (0)
Lasso Strimmer (+2)
Lava Kettle (+6)
Lawn Painting (+3)
Lawn Spider (+4)
LCO2 Hydraulic Hybrid (0)
Lend-an-Ear (+5)
Light Aircraft Trailer (+6, -1)
Light Based Burglar Discombobulator (+6)
Lighter Lighter (+5)
Linear Clothes Washer & Dryer (+11)
List of (Self-)Deleted Ideas (+1, -1)
Little Box Maker (+7)
Looking for a couple of old ideas (+1)
Low Maintenance Paint Pattern (+12)
LOx Mini-Torpedo for oil-well collapse (+5)
LTA Positive Crankcase Ventilation (+2)
Lunar Biometrics (+9, -1)
Lunar Rail Distributed Infrastructure (+3)
MacGyver™ (+15)
Madder Horn (+4)
Magnetically Rifled Smoothbore (+5, -1)
Massive Coastal Wind Turbine Array (+1)
Master Craftsman Slinkys (+16)
Match Heads to Bodies Service (+2)
Matryoshka Delivery Space Habitat (+2)
Maxwell's Demon's Demon (+3, -1)
Mechanical Hot Water Heating (+5)
Meridian Mirror Time Convention (+7, -2)
Microwave Glove (+6)
Milkshake Drilling Platform (+12, -1)
Minimalist SpellChecker (0)
Mirror Mulch (+6)
Misc Water Features (+4, -6)
MMORPG ScreenSaver (+15, -1)
Modern Low Speed Airliner (+20)
Molecular Scrabble (+7)
Mono-Hybrid (+9)
Monodoor Fridge (+3)
Month-End Marker (+1, -6)
Moon Watch (+45, -3)
Moustache Handlebars (+8)
Mushroom Caps (+4)
Napping Helmet (+1)
National Geographic™ Hotel Chain (+6, -1)
National Protest Day (+3)
Necktie Heater (+9)
Netherislands (+9)
New Statuary Types (+5, -1)
Nielsen Gullibility Ratings (+3)
NiFe Laptop Batteries (+5, -1)
NO-Code (+1)
No-Sig Flag (0)
Non-Potable "Drinking Water" Bottles (+3, -1)
NSFPE Genset (+1)
Nuke Antarctica (+4, -2)
"Nuke" Recharging of Portable Devices (+13)
Offshore Oil Rig Cozy (+8)
Old-Tennies Street-Lights (+9)
One-Armed Diet Bandit (+2)
One Way Subway Rush Hour Service (+4)
Orbital Hovercraft (+8)
Orbital Mill (+2)
Pac-Man Baby Stroller (+21)
Paintball AntiAircraft Shells (+5)
Paper Airplane Dispenser (+30)
Parking Balloon (+8)
Parking Chirp (+3)
Personal Suspended-Animation Device (+1, -1)
Pestilence Disinfection (+1)
Pickpocket Bodyguards (+12)
Pickup Convertible Cargo-Roof (+2)
Pickup Truck-Bed Bar Footrails (+1, -3)
Pickup Truck-Bed Fountain (+3, -1)
Pinecone Solar-Cell Assembly (+2)
Ping Pong Ball Insulation (+3)
Piston Crown Compression Ring (+2, -1)
Pizza Divider (+3)
Pizzabox Flywheel Case (+5)
Planets & Asteroids (+5, -2)
Plush Toy-Castle (+11)
Pneumatic Clock (+7)
Politician Litmus Test (+2)
Poop'n'Scoop Tupperware Container (+2)
Portable Cat Door (+4, -2)
Pot Extender (+13)
Pots and Pans Press (+1)
Powered Frisbees (+11)
Powerline Slackers (+3)
Prank Thumbdrive (+21, -1)
"Prayer Wheel" Vacuum Blimp (+10, -1)
Precision Nut Opener (+7)
Probabilities Website (0)
Propeller Beanie Drone (+2)
public:nuisance (+2)
Pykrete Driveway (+3, -1)
Quickest Chess Tourney (+2, -3)
R/Stereo (+1, -2)
Railgun Nailgun (+17)
Rainbow Tail Lights (+1)
Rarefaction A/C (+2)
Rave Shoes (+3)
RC Dirigible Galley (+3, -1)
Reading Owl (+6)
Reading Parrot (+6)
Real Outer Space Vacuum (+8)
"Realistic Rooster" Alarm Clock (+7, -1)
Recursively Notated Sudoku (0)
Restacked Rockets (+5, -1)
Retractable Tie II (0)
Retro Spam II (+3)
Reverse Spellchecker (+7)
Reversely-Hinged Wheelie Bin (+1)
Reversible Baseball Cap (+3)
Reversible Tinfoil Hat (+5, -1)
Riot Control Pigeons (+8, -1)
Robberfly Airport (+1)
Robbers (+5, -1)
Rocking Chair Conversion Kit (+9)
Rocks (+2)
RollerRowing (+1)
Rotary Rotary Engine (+4)
Rubber Winter Sidewalk (+12, -1)
Safety Cellphone (+1)
Sailing Airship (+7)
Sausage Chocks (+9)
Scented Bubble-Wrap (+1, -1)
Scented Clothing (+5, -3)
Sea Hawg (+3)
SEAbread (+6)
Seasonal Orbital Advertising Plan (+4, -2)
Security Checkpoint Thrillride (+6)
Segway Snow Plow (+7)
Self-Extinguishing Candle VI (0)
Self Levelling Table (+15)
Sensory Deprivation Sculpturarium (+9)
SGHA Junkfood Labelling System (0)
Shingle Bells (+6)
Shower Utility Belt (+3)
Silver Bubbles Office Park (+4)
Single Source House Lighting (+6, -5)
Sinisterwear (+3)
Sinktop Air-Conditioner (+3)
Skillet Mangle (+10)
Skirmish Chess (+7)
Skirt Fogger (+5)
Sky Roundabout (+1)
Sky Yacht (+5)
Slitherway (+12)
Slow Burn Orion Drive (+2)
Smoking Boots (+8)
Snotrifuge (+8)
Snow Catapult (+4)
Snowforts for Everyone (+12)
Snowglobe Clackers (+2)
Snowglobe Shooter (+2, -1)
Social Snorkel (+5)
Solar Desalination Aquaduct (+16, -1)
Solar Droud Hat (+1, -1)
Solar Lighting (+3, -4)
Solar-Oven Atmospheric-Water Extractor (+2)
Solar Powered Geomagnetically Driven "Perpetual Motion" Spintop (+9)
Solar Powered Plasma-Cycle Generator (+3)
Solar Powered Robot Wars On the Beach (+16)
Solid Fuel Lighter V (+3)
"Sounds of the Jungle" Sex-Noise Masking Device (+19, -1)
Soupfly Bowl (+4, -1)
Soylent Green Emergency Kit (+2)
Spaceframe Mountain (+4)
Spanck, The Gay Vulcan (+7, -6)
Sphereverb (+4, -1)
Spider Shoes (+9)
SpiderMouse (+2)
Spinnaker's Dream (+7)
Split-Cycle Compounding Engine (0)
Spoked Wheel Doorhandles (+13, -1)
Spring Driveshaft (+1, -1)
Squad-Portable Steam-Powered Catapult (+1)
Squiggle Cylinder (+1, -1)
Squirrel Cage Window Fan (+4)
Stay at Home Children (0)
Steam/Air Hybrid (+6, -1)
Steam Cooled Rotary Engine (0)
Steam Shuttle (+2, -3)
Steel Drummobile (+6, -1)
Steel Moustache (+2)
Steganographic URL Text (+3, -1)
Sten Submachine-Hammer (+11)
Stick-on Holograph Theft Deterrent (+3, -3)
Stonehenge Table (+9)
Streaming Commercials Website (+4, -1)
Street Storage Vendor (+4)
Styrofoam Pizza Box (+2, -9)
Sub-Audio Stringed Instrument (+5)
Sudoku as a Religious Exercise (0)
Supercapacitor Cordless Screwdriver (+17)
Supercharged Ramjet (+2)
Supercritical-Fluid Common-Rail Direct-Injection (+3, -1)
Sure Thing Barf Bag (+1, -1)
Swimshade (+1)
SwingDesk II (+4)
T-Shirt Stays (+1)
Tablet Calligraphy Pen (+1)
Teenager's Room Carpet (+9)
Teeth Backlighting (+13)
Telecalculator (+7)
Terminator Butterfly Air Conditioner (+3)
Texting Glasses (+2)
"The Flying Dutchman" (+19)
The Great U.S. Mexico Border Mall (+5)
The Last Straw (+3)
The Surfing Channel (+1)
The Town Square: an e-Canvas Painting (+6)
Thermal Battery Pair (+2, -1)
Thermoelectric Blanket (+7)
Thermonuclear Roulette (+9, -1)
Tinfoil Hat Repair Kit (+12, -1)
Tinfoil Sail Hat (+2)
Tiny Garage (+1)
Tiny Typewriter (+15)
Toast Planer (+5)
Tongue Pick (+9)
Tonsorial Theory of Evolution (+10, -2)
Torque Battery (+3, -2)
Traffic Management Escalator (0)
Trapdoor Chess (+6)
Treadle Power-Assist Typewriter (+2, -2)
Tree of Reflection (+8)
Tree Siding (+3)
Tribble Alarm (+6, -2)
Tribble Hat (+2)
Tribblephone (+4, -2)
Trim Dude with a Big Package (+6)
Tube Piano (+6)
Tundra Treeline (+13, -4)
Turbobrella (+5)
Turbojet Plunger (+2)
Um Filter (+6, -1)
Umbrella Xmas Tree (+6)
UN Citizenship for Refugees (+3)
Underbedlight (+10)
Underground Car Silo (0)
Untranslator (+2)
Urinal Chimes (+3)
USB Drive Lock (+11)
USB Gadget Holder (+12)
V-Bed (+2, -1)
Vacuum Brick Insulation (+1)
Vacuum Reducer (+34, -3)
Van de Graaff Bugzapper (+10)
Van der Burglar Alarm (+2)
Van der Drone (+3)
Van der Saran Wrap (+7)
Volumetric Bathtub (+10)
Voter Confidence Term (+3)
Vuvuzela Blow Guns (-1)
Wall'o'Blimps (0)
Wasp Nest Car Security (+7)
Watchband Counterweight (+6)
Water Powered Lawnmower (+13, -4)
Waterproof e-Reader (+3)
Weasel Gun (+8)
Weebleware (+4, -1)
Weight Loss Balloon Animals (0)
Wet/Dry/On-Fire Vac (+2)
Whale Kettle (+6)
What's That Drip ? (+7)
Whirlpool Cylinder-Head (-4)
Wind Turban (+9, -1)
Windmill Powered Vehicle (+5)
Winter Bathrobe (+4)
Winter Caddy (+2)
Wireless Client Channel Polling (0)
Wolfram Fitness Weights (+2)
Xylophountain (+5, -1)
Yarps (+5)
Yo-Yo Clock (+6)
You Have Pastry (+6, -1)
Zoo'dos (+1)

random, halfbakery