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AI Powered Animation Creating Self Check Out Camera

OPTIONAL IF YOU PUSH A BUTTON: Grocery store self check out cam creates a video you using the product enthusiastically as you swipe the bar code.
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The checkout camera gets your visage from a couple of different angles and puts you into it's AI animation system that can create a short clip of you happily using the product as you swipe the bar code and put it in the bag.

Say you buy a bag of Lays potato chips, is shows you biting into one, winking at the camera and saying "Mmm mmm, that's good". Toothpaste, you smiling with a sparkling smile and nodding your head. Window cleaner, admiring the beautiful sparkling clean window.

So what about buying laxatives or toilet paper?...


Okay, adding a series of buttons that allow your avatar to do different things, like showing you talking to yourself like you're looking in a mirror and your soul is looking back.

Positive button: "Olive oil, good stuff. Healthy fats. Pork chops, nice. Carbonated water? Great! Getting off the sugary drinks, good for you!"

Negative button: "Box of candy bars? Workin' on putting another hundred pounds on eh?"

doctorremulac3, Jan 19 2024

I don't think this will be popular https://www.reddit....al_recognition_now/
See comment suggesting "... it can create deep fakes with your your face and use them to sell organic 5g to China." [a1, Jan 19 2024]

Targeted ads at self-checkout https://searchengin...in-store-ads-430234
Fits neatly to this idea [a1, Jan 19 2024]

This guy only with your face talking about the products as you scan them. https://www.youtube...watch?v=jT3_UCm1A5I
[doctorremulac3, Jan 20 2024]

Check yourself out https://comicskingd...h-orange/2024-02-06
I told you the funny papers and HB influence each other [a1, Feb 06 2024]


       It may eventually work as an advertising medium, if it can get social acceptance - or at least resignation to the inevitable.   

       But your scenarios seem a bit off. If I'm already buying a specific product, I don't need a sales pitch for it. Maybe instead throw in suggestions for related products. If I'm buying toothpaste, maybe I need a new toothbrush. If I bought shampoo, maybe suggest a conditioner.   

       There could be pre-made commercials and all the AI needs to do is paste my face onto the character.   

       (Edit - I wrote the above for doc's original concept, which could have worked as an advertising gimmick. The later addition emphasizing ass jokes undermines it.)
a1, Jan 19 2024

       a1, your suggestions are vile and you should feel vile. Or at least evil.
Voice, Jan 20 2024

       Thank you.
a1, Jan 20 2024

       //all the AI needs to do is paste my face onto the character//   

       {Sturton Buchanan pops up with a hopeful expression and an un-sterilised scalpel.}
pertinax, Jan 20 2024

       Why not just cut to the chase and have an AI-powered robot arm attached to your shopping trolley that reaches out and grabs things off the shelves that it thinks you should consume?   

       If you try to put them back it holds your wrist and forces you to drop them back into the trolley.   

       When you get to the checkout it takes your wallet and credit card and pays for everything.
pocmloc, Jan 20 2024

       [doc] Is this more of that personal violation crap like inserting paid messages into my Kindle? I told you before, I will take it very seriously if I see myself on the checkout monitor gorging on the Snickers bars in my cart. Or happily employing the Preparation H.   

       Not funny.
minoradjustments, Jan 20 2024

       Okay, adding a button so only people who would have fun with this can use it.
doctorremulac3, Jan 20 2024

       It's a fun idea[+] but the applications, as suggested by [a1], would quickly turn to the dark, dark, dark side. [-] Ooh, how about the same thing on the shelf? How would I look shoving this bag of potato chips into my fat gob? As for how clothes would look on you that's already baked.
Voice, Jan 20 2024

       Okay, I've changed this. You push the button and it says "See your happy avatar!" and it basically pops up a version of the link only with your face talking about the products.   

       And each and every product you scan your avatar makes a rude implication.   

       "Bananas eh? Know where those are going eh govna? Ooo, potato, that's gonna hurt."   

       So the new idea is to have your avatar imply that each and every product is going up your ass. This also covers my issue with personal items like laxative or toilet paper. "HEY EVERYBODY! THIS BLOKE'S GONNA HAVE THE SHITS! STAND BACK!!"   

       Hey, if the idea's gonna be a bone storm might has well have fun with it.
doctorremulac3, Jan 20 2024


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