Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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A method for sneaking guaranteed basic income in through the back door

hire citizens and distribute money with them
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If posting on collaborative internet boards were recognized as a public good citizens could be paid for doing so. If insufficient proof of completed work were required anyone could sign up for the job.
Voice, Mar 22 2014

guaranteed basic income https://en.wikipedi...g/wiki/Basic_income
[Voice, Mar 22 2014]


       You had me at guaranteed basic income.
rcarty, Mar 22 2014

       That's two big ifs. Naturally I love the idea, but I suggest you go for the trifecta.
Alterother, Mar 22 2014

       And there is a fine way beggars could ride that you may have heard about.
bungston, Mar 22 2014

       //If posting on collaborative internet boards were recognized as a public good...   

       ....and despite all your experience of HB....
not_morrison_rm, Mar 22 2014

       But then on the upside, Sickipedia would have more forum activity.
skoomphemph, Mar 23 2014


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