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Animal Liberation

Who'll let the warthogs out?
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There are probably thousands of injured animals that are taken care of every day, nursed back to health and then, eventually released back into the wild. Other animals are moved from overcrowded habitats to new environments. Add to that endangered species that are bred and then returned to nature.

This act of freeing a mammal from its cage or letting a bird fly from your hands would confer a sense of fullfillment and elation and would be a wonderful gift to a dear or sick friend. The organization that tended the animal would explain how the creature came into its care, and the fee charged would help finance ministering to nature's other needy.

FarmerJohn, May 22 2002

FarmerJohn you would like these people http://www.sttiggywinkles.org.uk/
? is this familiar to anyone else here ? [po, May 22 2002, last modified Oct 21 2004]

(?) complete list of patronages of saints http://www.catholic...saints/patron00.htm
I am particularly struck by St Cadoc of Llancarvan, who is the patron saint of glandular disorders. Much happy browsing to be done here, I think. [sappho, May 23 2002, last modified Oct 21 2004]


       So whats the big idea?
[ sctld ], May 22 2002

       The idea, as I understand it, is that the charity which is re-introducing these animals to the wild sell the opportunity to actually do the releasing as a cathargic experience.
yamahito, May 22 2002

       Dear [FarmerJohn],   

       We were all sorry to hear you're down with a bout of rabies. All of us at the HB wish you a quick recovery and wanted to let you know we released two dozen racoons and bats in your honor.   

       Get well soon!,
The gang
phoenix, May 22 2002

       I'd like to know the etymology of St Tiggy-Winkles.
[ sctld ], May 22 2002

       Mrs Tiggywinkle was a hedgehog in a Beatrix Potter story.
angel, May 23 2002

       So which Pope was it that decided that it would be a good idea to cannonise a hedgehog?
[ sctld ], May 23 2002

       I released my ex. back into the wild but he was somewhat reluctant to go.
po, May 23 2002

       At least you had one to release, po.
neelandan, May 23 2002

       <ot>It's a British law that all hospitals have to be named after saints, so you've someone to pray to. And since the current Pope has already canonized more saints than all previous popes since the counter-reformation combined, he's probably running out of even non-existent human catholics, and is having to start with non-existent hedgehogs.</ot>
pottedstu, May 23 2002

       //It's a British law that all hospitals have to be named after saints//   

       Are you sure about that one?
brewmaster, May 23 2002

       St Guy? St Chelsea & Westminster? St Tropical Diseases?
po, May 23 2002

       St Western General?
mcscotland, May 23 2002

       St Dundee Royal Infirmary?   

       Why would a country, who's primary religions were formed through a disagreement with the Catholic Church, make it law to name all their hospitals after those who are considered divine by the Catholic Church only?
[ sctld ], May 23 2002

       I'm certainly no expert on hagiography, but I've never heard of Saint Darlington Memorial. Where's Threef when he's needed?
angel, May 23 2002

       St Kidderminster must have helped one of his flock get elected to Parliament.
sappho, May 23 2002

       Hm. Seems rather dangerous to allow little Alice, whose leukemia is in remission, to open the door to the wolverine cage, or prop a golden eagle on her forearm. I can see this in the case of less dangerous animals, but I disagree with charging for it.
waugsqueke, May 23 2002

       angel: You just named the hospital where I was born... I think. My memory's a little fuzzy around that point.
st3f, May 23 2002

       OK, so I exaggerate. But also off topic, a large number of protestant churches seem to be named after saints (In Edinburgh we have St George's, St Giles' Cathedral and lots more all Church of Scotland, plus sundry Anglican) so what's with that?
pottedstu, May 23 2002

       Church Of Scotland is Presbytarian and so still believes in a heirarchy consisting of saints, etc. Church of Scotland just selects which Saitns will patronage what, as opposed to the Pope doing it, or the head guy of the Orthodox Church, what's he called?
[ sctld ], May 23 2002

       I noticed that Saint George (him with the dragon) also has patronage towards herpes. There are a lot of things we are not being told about.
sappho, May 23 2002

       What does this saint business have to do with anything?
waugsqueke, May 23 2002

       See po's link
[ sctld ], May 23 2002

       (Sorry, just delete me.)
pottedstu, May 23 2002

       I thought the hospitals were named after religious figures because the precusor of hospital or the shelter for the sick and diseased were started by church not by kings.
bing, May 24 2002

       sctld: The leader of the Orthodox Church is called the ecumenical patriarch. Aren't you glad you asked?
magnificat, Jun 02 2002

       What a brilliant idea.
Detly, Nov 27 2003


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