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Blue Wine

There's no such thing? You've got to be kidding me.
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I can't find anything but wine brands named "Blue Wine" and the attached photoshop mockup.

If the unthinkable is true, nobody has ever made blue wine before, then the idea is to get to work and fill this obvious void.

Grapes could be grown in any color with a little work. I'm not willing to accept that it can't be done. Whether or not it should be done is hardly debatable. As shown in the attached link, blue wine is much more beautiful and inviting than that red colored crap.

doctorremulac3, May 01 2012

Only thing I could find http://www.flickr.c...onhaupt/2637116954/
Probably windex like the one anno says. I'm sure Windex has quite a kick, but it's hardly gonna win any wine competitions. [doctorremulac3, May 01 2012]

Blue nun - actually blue http://gallery.phot...hoto/3564662-lg.jpg
[normzone, May 01 2012]

Blueberry Wine http://www.edengate.com.au/products.html
Looks sorta blue, Though blue food should probably be a warning that there's something wrong. [UnaBubba, May 01 2012]

(?) Quandong wines and meads http://www.chateaud...9aae3fe0cefd2307ecd
Bluish-purple. Tastes pretty bloody good. [UnaBubba, May 01 2012]

Blueberry wine in a glass. http://www.drinkfru...com/blueberry-wine/
[2 fries shy of a happy meal, May 02 2012]

Blue agave wine. http://www.flickr.c...202@N08/4706468945/
[2 fries shy of a happy meal, May 02 2012]

E133 : Brilliant blue http://en.wikipedia.../Brilliant_Blue_FCF
The colouring for Curaçao. Already generally regarded as safe. [Loris, May 02 2012]

GRENOUILLE, from FROGs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GRENOUILLE
Mountweazel, my ass... [4whom, May 02 2012]

Cabbage juice as an indicator http://www.open.edu...haos-just-the-facts
So that blue wine is safe to drink and red is better for cooking with. [TomP, May 05 2012]

They did it. http://www.today.co...summer-drink-t99706
[doctorremulac3, Jun 21 2016]


       Checked the link, the nun's not even blue.
doctorremulac3, May 01 2012

       It's hard to find anything edible/fermentible in nature that is truly blue (I'm sure somebody here knows why, but I don't). 'Blue' foods are mostly reddish-purple. My father-in- law won't consume anything that has been dyed blue because it's 'unnatural'.   

       This is one of the things that made indigo (the substance, not the color) a very, very valuable commodity for hundreds of years.
Alterother, May 01 2012

       You know how red wind stains your teeth red if you drink the whole bottle? Well I fear your blue wine would do the same, resulting in a vampire-ish impression. Oh, okay...+
blissmiss, May 01 2012

       Alterother, you gave me a great idea.   

       After figuring out how to make blue wine, it'll need a snobby name.   


       "Today on wine snobs we'll be exploring a puckish little indigo sauvignon from the south of France blablabla..."   

       I'm sure sauvignon probably means "grape that is any color but blue" so no need to point out any errors. My knowledge of wines is minimal.
doctorremulac3, May 01 2012

       And doing a little research I found that you can make blue food dye from cabbage with baking soda added. "Mmmm-mmm. Is this wine delicious or what? It's got just enough cabbage to make it cabbagy and juuuust enough baking soda to make it assertive without being pushy. A few drops of gag supressant could really bring this clever little indigo to the next level."   

       I'd love to read the wine connoisseur reviews.   

       Anyway, back to the drawing board.
doctorremulac3, May 01 2012

       I thought for sure I could find something. Blueberry - no, and that seems unfair. Elderberry - no. Violets - no luck. But blue quandong - maybe. I could not find any wine or even any juice depicted on the web. I am concerned that the color might all be in the peel, though.
bungston, May 01 2012

       For my first run of Doctorremulac3's Indigo 2012 I might want to stay away from any colorants with the word "dong" in it.   

       I'm beginning to think there's a reason there's no blue wine beyond the obvious: "wine isn't blue". Even the concord grape, which is a beautiful deep indigo blue renders red juice.   

       But the fact that there's blue grapes makes the concept of blue wine more acceptable even though you wouldn't use blue grapes to make blue wine. Now if I can just find out what to make it from without resorting to cabbage and baking soda. Don't think I'd drink any wine with a science fictiony sounding doctor's name on it either, but I'll worry about the name later.
doctorremulac3, May 01 2012

       Manufacturers of salt lick blocks add blue dye to the product, to warn people not to eat it. Blue band- aids are used in kitchens so they stick out, visually.   

       Blue is one way nature tells us not to eat something.
UnaBubba, May 01 2012

       That's my father-in-law's point, I think. He's never really explained it fully; unlike his daughter's husband, he is a man of few words.
Alterother, May 01 2012

       Where does the red color in wines actually come from? I understand that in some systems, bacteria will convert sugars into tryptophan, which is reddish; I understand that this is beanangel-style reasoning, but could this the cause? This could perhaps explain why grapes with indigo-colored skins such as the concord wind up producing red- colored wine- perhaps some of the red is a byproduct of the fermentation product. Does anybody know how much tryptophan is in wine?   

       If this is the cause of concord-based wine becoming red, then genetic engineering might well be the solution. Assuming that isn't cheating. Bacteria have been produced that convert sugars into indoxyl while eliminating tryptophan production, which turns into good old-fashioned indigo dye upon exposure to air or other mild oxidizing agents. Apparently indigo dye has a pretty low oral toxicity. Even if tryptophan isn't why blue grapes become red wine when the color supposedly comes from the skins, introduction of these bacteria to the fermentation process might well produce blue wine.
Hive_Mind, May 02 2012

       Introduction of _any_ bacteria during the fermentation process might well produce really awful wine. It might also just explode.
Alterother, May 02 2012

       Well, yeast is a unicellular fungus, so not quite a bacteria. Botyritis is also a fungus that does wonderful things to the flavour of wine.
UnaBubba, May 02 2012

       I don't know anything about the fermenting of wine; I make mead, and my father is an award-winning homebrewer of various ales. Sadly, I can no longer drink beer since my Celiac disease developed in '08, but his hard cider is pretty damn good, too. I just know that bacterial contamination in any of those three leads to disaster. Often explosive disaster.
Alterother, May 02 2012

       Anyone know John Hollander's poem?   

       The colours of quite a lot of different plant organs are determined by anthocyanin plus their pH. Benedictine is blue, presumably due to the addition of artificial dye which would be an option. Red wine is that colour due to its acidity. Salmiakki with red cabbage, i.e. anthocyanin, would be blue.   

       Just wondering if the answer is to use white wine with particles to create Rayleigh scattering. Also, presumably there is something making blue fungi that colour. What is it?
nineteenthly, May 02 2012

       Drink red wine 25m underwater.
4whom, May 02 2012

       If you pickle garlic it can turn blue. Maybe someone needs to try making garlic wine?
prufrax, May 02 2012

       That would go perfectly with that mulit-color pasta they make.
blissmiss, May 02 2012

       //Blue is one way nature tells us not to eat something//
Which is why Fosters comes in blue cans.

//Maybe someone needs to try making garlic wine//
Didn't Elkie Brooks record that?
TolpuddleSartre, May 02 2012

       Thank you for the link Simpleton. See email below:   


       I was wondering if your blue food dye would be safe for use in white wine to change the color to blue for purposes of creating a novel wine product.   

       Has this ever been done before? Would it change the taste?   

       Thank you"   

       So although I can probably find a dye that might work, the goal would be to find a grape and or fermenting process that renders blue wine. I'm not sure why those are the rules but I know that they are. Adding something afterwords would be cheating.
doctorremulac3, May 02 2012

       But white wine is slightly yellow, so adding blue will make it green.
phundug, May 02 2012

       Blueberry wine is light blue [link]
Blue agave wine is also light blue. [link]

       Just use food colouring. I recommend E133 Brilliant Blue - it works for Curaçao.
Loris, May 02 2012

       Thank you for the links 2Frys.   

       Hmm. Aren't blue agave and blueberry wine just fermented alcohol drinks that are blue and called wine? It's got to be blue wine from grapes.   

       Problem with adding blue to slightly yellow as phun pointed out is you've got green. Green wine would be gross, blue would be sublime. Again, I don't know why, I just know it's a fact.
doctorremulac3, May 02 2012

       You are a Conehead, and you come from France. Ergo, wine comes from grapes, and blue, or azure if you prefer, denotes Grand Louis. Or as [zen...] pointed out, grenouille, which is green. Hope that clears it up. Also see link...
4whom, May 02 2012

       A lot of people in Maine make blueberry wine* (for obvious reasons), but it's purple, just like blueberry juice. I've never seen or tried agave wine, but it sounds good. I have made 'mead' using agave nectar instead of honey, and it was one of the best I've ever produced.   

       * or 'wine-like fermented beverage', if you want.
Alterother, May 02 2012

       May I suggest a nice Romulan Ale?
RayfordSteele, May 02 2012

       Yes, please go ahead.
MaxwellBuchanan, May 02 2012

       Wine is fermented fruit juice. While grapes are the most common, any fruit can be made into wine. I've had blueberry, cranberry, and apple.   

       However, every time I've had blueberry wine, it's been purple. I'm pretty sure whatever's in the glass on that link is a cocktail, not wine.
MechE, May 02 2012

       Methylated spirit has a delightful purplish tinge imparted by Methylene Blue ...
8th of 7, May 02 2012

       I stay away from party libations with the word "meth" in it. That's just me.
doctorremulac3, May 02 2012

       //Wine is fermented fruit juice. While grapes are the most common, any fruit can be made into wine. I've had blueberry, cranberry, and apple. //   

       Fermented apple juice is called cider, or scrumpy (depending on how many lumps it contains). With a little effort it can become Calvados. It never becomes wine.   

       Cranberry, blueberry and the like can be turned into alcohol in times of desperation, but then again so can potatoes and crude oil.
MaxwellBuchanan, May 02 2012

       //crude oil// what's that then ?
FlyingToaster, May 03 2012

       Cider is ~3-11% ABV. I would generally consider it wine if it is fermented (not distilled) to 12-18% ABV.
MechE, May 03 2012

       //(alcohol from) crude oil// what's that then?//   

       As Max has pointed out, they not only can get alcohol from petroleum, the do get alcohol from petroleum.   

       Don't worry though, nobody's putting hooch made from high test in your cocktails. The government specifies that there has to be a particular radioactivity reading in alcohol meant for consumption showing that it was grown, not pumped. Government regulators. I'm sure we'd have all died off long ago if it weren't for them.
doctorremulac3, May 03 2012

       As cabbage juice is an indicator (of acidity - //Acidic solutions will turn this pigment a red colour. Neutral solutions result in a purple colour and basic solutions appear greenish yellow.// - from [link]), I was wondering about using this as a way to tell when one's wine has turned to vinegar to avoid the unpleasant surprise confirming one's suspicions.   

       I actually thought [doctorremulac3] was correct in that cabbage juice turns blue in alkaline solutions, as this is what I recall from doing the experiment myself several years ago.
TomP, May 05 2012

       //Cider is ~3-11% ABV. I would generally consider it wine if it is fermented (not distilled) to 12-18% ABV.//   

       Try turning up at a Somerset farm and asking them for a jug of their apple wine. They'll give you a firkin.
MaxwellBuchanan, May 05 2012

       And it won't even be kild.
UnaBubba, May 05 2012

       Red cabbage juice does turn yellow in a very basic solution but it also turns blue in a milder solution. I have done this many times. If i'm wrong about the blue, it's because of my colour perception.
nineteenthly, May 07 2012

       They did it. (See link)
doctorremulac3, Jun 21 2016

       Can only get it in the UK and Spain for now, it seems.
theircompetitor, Jun 21 2016

       I'll drink to that.
FlyingToaster, Jun 21 2016

       I'm dying to taste the stuff. And how is it going to be received by an industry that's thousands of years old? If I know wine snobs, they'll have to come up with a better name than "Blue Wine" to be taken seriously.   

       Though from my perspective, a anybody who may or may not take a beverage seriously shouldn't be taken seriously.   

       Anyway, this should be kind of interesting.
doctorremulac3, Jun 22 2016

       In that blue wine link the photo of that wine glass has, I think, a tiny refracted sunset in it. Very very nice.
bungston, Jun 22 2016

       You're right, very nice touch.   

       I don't drink but I obviously have to try at least a sip of this.
doctorremulac3, Jun 25 2016

       "The bright blue color is made with a pigment found in grape skin, called indigo, and a non-caloric sweetener. "   

       At which point why not just add blue food colouring to your favourite white ?
FlyingToaster, Jun 26 2016

       Is that what they did? So it's just white wine with food coloring?   

       Hmm. I gueeeeesss if it's made with grapes it's ok.   

       Not really what I had in mind though.
doctorremulac3, Jun 26 2016


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