Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Browser plugin UTF-8 conversion

For HB users and maybe others
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Inspired by [gtoals]'s comment elsewhere:

ˈtoʊtəli beɪkt - aɪv biːn juːzɪŋ wʌn foːɹ jɪr̩z!

When you post something on HB in an unsupported character format and hit OK, HB renders it in decimal code UTF-8. Usually not what the baker wanted, unless they were trying to be especially obscure.

If you can't just read it as presented and don't mind copying/pasting it elsewhere, there are convertors online.

Better though would be to wrap one of those convertors into a browser plug-in. Highlight the UTF-8 decimal text, right-click and select the option as originally intended. That may show inline on the webpage, as pop-up text, or in a new tab.

a1, Feb 28 2024

Wrap this into a browser plugin. https://r12a.github.io/app-conversion/
Totally baked, I've been using one for years! [a1, Feb 28 2024]


       Very good. Make it toggleable to default show the decimal code, but toggle to default show the intended characters inline.
pocmloc, Feb 29 2024

       It seems like it should be fairly trivial to have Chrome do this automatically. It already offers to translate text for me from other languages. Detecting escape sequences and offering to show them ought be a simple addition.   

       Whether a plugin or built-in, be sure that this doesn't do it automatically. Otherwise, if I go to a web page that has a table of codes, it will be rather uninformative:   

! Exclamation mark
" Quotation mark
# Number sign
$ Dollar sign
% Percent sign
scad mientist, Mar 04 2024

       // should be fairly trivial to have Chrome do this automatically. It already offers to translate text //   

       Yes, I *almost* deleted this idea myself because the idea of inline translation is already baked into most browsers. Only reason I left it here is because it seems to be a specific need for Halfbakery.
a1, Mar 04 2024

       There should be, for some popular language-teaching platform like DuoLingo, a course to teach people to read the UTF-8 codes. This would be straightforward and avoid the need for the browser to do the translation
hippo, Mar 04 2024

       Is there an advantage to this model over existing in-faucet heaters?
normzone, Mar 05 2024

       [norm] isn't it irritating when you turn on the shower, and instead of a stream of water droplets you get this tangle of &s and #s and ;s and random-looking numbers coming out? The #s especially irritate my skin.
pocmloc, Mar 05 2024

       [poc] If you reduce the font size, they're less scratchy
hippo, Mar 05 2024

       and the hakfbaked aspect of this idea is what?
xenzag, Mar 05 2024


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