Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Dopple Effect

Social physics based on the story of the doppleganger
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The Dopple Effect measures the gravity of social form or content* and degree of influence of identity politics. It is measured by a mechanical venn diagram that measures strain* on the subjects when they squeeze a trigger on the device when another person is trying to remove agency to some degree. This can range from using someones idea and blaming the result on them, representing them, stealing their identity or to the material realm of completely assuming the life of a person, which is the fear of meeting a dopple-ganger. The dopple-ganger is a real phenomenon and studies of these mad have secretly been inserted into pastoral logias including education curriculum because his cunning promotes smooth mechanical efficiency.
rcarty, Nov 15 2014


       //The dopple-ganger is a real phenomenon and studies of these mad have secretly been inserted into pastoral logias including education curriculum because his cunning promotes smooth mechanical efficiency.//   

       I have this feeling that if I understood that sentence, the rest of the idea would make sense.
MaxwellBuchanan, Nov 15 2014

       Well it can be looked at various ways, but the doppel game is to imagine yourself as a single circle in a giant social venn diagram and to make strategies to completely overlap each other circle ie ego, and ultimately create a single giant homogenous circle. That's mass dopplegangers.
rcarty, Nov 15 2014


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