The link shows an electromagnetic coin squasher
I say use this to flatten microparticles of metal catalysts so they have much higher surface to volume ratio; two coild could be used to create "..::|::..::|::..::|::.." effects that create near an order of magnitude higher activity associated with terraced
rather than planar catalyst atomic surface
Ive read that the primary coil vaporizes when squashing coins The way around this is to create a figure like (image) as well as possibly making the conduction path from Iron Bismuth alloy which as it combines magnetic with a diamagentic elements may have zero deformation at high magnetic fields You could also possibly just Iron Bismuth plate a coinwidth prestressed ceramic tube with teeny central aperture then power it while a fluid with catalysts microparticles travelled the aperture
( . )
Also the link has a coin squasher with one coil (like w) two or more coils perpendicular like 3W( . )W3 could be used to create customized microparticle shapes
If you get cheap resuable fluid system then you could actually flatten microparticleas as an oil filter particle resizer to permit ordinary oil filters to do ultrafiltration on the resized longer particles; superfiltration keeps mechanical devices running much longer
Also This creates a new kind of chemistry Its my perception that during the 20th century chemists would change the pH of an entire batch during a reactionor would use photochemistry to affect particular reactive compounds Magnetically zapping a WWWWWWWWWW polymer that had magnetic or diamagnetic groups or superacid groups would for just a 20thousandth of a second create new chemical reaction centers on purpose at adjustable time length plus reaction strength Not that different from tethering chemicals to liquid crystals then zapping them to differently reactive conformation yet much more versatile on latitude of materials Its kind of like non-protein protein conformation shape change
The catalyst idea combines with the wobbly catalytic converter to make removing air pollution 20 to 100 times cheaper