Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Detect scents and spray them
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This device detects methane, mercaptans, and hydrogen sulfide. When detected it sprays an air freshener.
Voice, Apr 07 2021

Fart Muffler Trousers Fart_20Muffler_20Trousers
[Voice, Apr 07 2021]


       This isn’t really “Fart-b-gone” though, is it? Is more like “Fart-b-masked-by-an-even-more -objectionable-smell”
hippo, Apr 07 2021

       //add the possibility of fires and stuff//   

       NOW we're talking!
Voice, Apr 07 2021

       Is this installed inside or outside of the user's pants?
pocmloc, Apr 07 2021

       There might be a belt loop attachment.
whatrock, Apr 07 2021

       I'm nervous about ignition inside my knickers
pocmloc, Apr 07 2021

       Is this installed inside or outside of the user's pants? — pocmloc, Apr 07 2021   

       Ha ha ha, you made me laugh. Good one.
blissmiss, Apr 08 2021

       Then everyone knows you farted because the sudden nice smell. [+]
piluso, Apr 08 2021


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