Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Romantic, but doomed to fail.

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Frank O. Gehry corrective lenses

Oh, now I get it…
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Specific eyeglasses that ‘correct’ the perception of Frank O. Gehry's twisted buildings back into boring rectilinear shapes. A pair of glasses would need to be commissioned for a specific building from a specific static point of view.

Then these glasses could also be used to distort 'normal' buildings into random Gehry-esque compositions.

scootie, Dec 15 2009

Uncubist_20filter along the same lines [xenzag, Dec 15 2009]


       These would be great exactly everywhere *except* the one spot they were designed for.
oxen crossing, Dec 15 2009

       true... but would make a great Guggenheim Bilbao souvenir..
scootie, Dec 15 2009


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