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Giant anti demonstration Frog

Mean weapon for shady regimes
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As a practicing religious Jew I am prohibited from killing anyone or anything on the Sabbath day. Was trying to get rid of a REALLY big fly that sat on my window sill as I opened the windows, which got me thinking:

Why would I kill a fly if I don't eat it or use its body somehow. If it was useful to me in some way, I would probably do a better job at it. No?

This giant frog (to be used only by illegal regimes) is brought out during demonstrations. It's sticky long tongue catches the demonstrators, bringing them into the storage place in its "stomach" where they are tied up and then put outside on the frog's "belt" to be used as a human shield.

pashute, Sep 10 2022

Ask the Rabbi: May Jews fight wars and extinguish fires on Shabbat? https://www.jpost.c...s-on-shabbat-476204
[a1, Sep 10 2022]

Essenes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Essenes
The Essenes were a mystic Jewish sect during the Second Temple period that flourished from the 2nd century BCE to the 1st century CE [Voice, Sep 10 2022]

Anti-Protestor Frog https://ibb.co/mtw3FgB
Image by DALL-E 2 Beta [a1, Sep 10 2022]


       What an oddly specific category...   

       // As a practicing religious Jew I am prohibited from killing anyone or anything on the Sabbath day //   

       That’s what did in the Sadducees but the Hasmoneans were smarter. Mattathias declared, “If any man comes against us on the Sabbath day, we shall fight against him and not all die as our brothers did in their hiding places.”   

       Self defense is an ethical primary above the keeping of the Sabbath.
a1, Sep 10 2022

       Something something spirit of the law. Travel that path far enough and you'll become a Christian. Don't forget the names of the angels!
Voice, Sep 10 2022

       Flies are light, because they have to fly. Also, flies have a rigid exoskeleton, so frog- tongue- mucus can grip them by getting into the cracks in that exoskeleton.   

       Humans are heavier, and have a less rigid outer layer (clothing).   

       Therefore, the giant frog bot captures only the demonstrators' hats or scarves. Maybe the big signs they were holding up. Probably not the demonstrators themselves.
pertinax, Sep 10 2022

       // the giant frog bot captures only the demonstrators' hats or scarves //   

       Or other clothing, which could discourage protestors just as easily.
a1, Sep 10 2022

       I'm seeing sacrificial ponchos.
pertinax, Sep 11 2022


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