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Math Equation Hierarchies And Mathematical Definitions and Derivations Database

This is more like two ideas in one. A classification system for maths, and a relational database for maths.
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Just as there is a Hierarchies list for Usenet like "alt.*", there should be a commonly agreed to Hierarchies for mathematical equations. Kind of like a Dewey system but for maths.

e.g. in usenet:
comp.* — Discussion of computer-related topics
news.* — Discussion of Usenet itself
sci.* — Discussion of scientific subjects

Sooo maybe:
mathDB.circle.* would have mathDB.circle.radius classified under it.

Of which if this was sent as a query to a MathDB as "mathDB.circle.radius" it will retrieve semantic marked up MathML of the formula and how it was derived, and typical symbols used for it. etc...

Could possibly also have it classified as decimal numbers like Dewey system as well, for shorter references.

If hooked to a mathematical database (a MathDB), it would allow for meta information about each equations to be retrieved. (e.g. Automatic retrieval of symbol definitions and meaning of an equations to place in the 'legends' box next to an equation. Means faster compilation of accurate lecture slide. )

Furthermore other information such as derivations can be retrieved from the database for an equation. Of which the derivations can be recursively expanded as needed until it reaches set theory.

The data is stored via MathML as much as possible since it can store semantics within it's structure.

mofosyne, Jun 20 2014

Used to describe algorithms in a much higher abstract sense http://en.wikipedia...cification_language
[mofosyne, Jun 20 2014]

MathML http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MathML
Markup language for maths [mofosyne, Jun 20 2014]

Usenet http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usenet
distributed bulletin board system [mofosyne, Jun 20 2014]

The Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences https://oeis.org/
Another angle. [jutta, Jan 03 2016]


       So namespaces, but for math. Normally, my bun wouldn't be dependent on exactly *why* one would want to implement an idea, but in this case I feel it's relevant. The idea behind namespaces is that users (of the programming language) can define their own modules, classes, functions, and so on. Unless you're planning to define your own mathematical functions, why bother? (And, incidentally, if you *are* planning to, you must be a Haskell programmer.)
ytk, Jun 20 2014

       I think you want object-oriented mathematics.
FlyingToaster, Jun 20 2014

       One of the most commonly used examples of why object class inheritance should be minimized concerns mathematical objects. I've forgotten now how the example works, but I suspect it's bad news for this idea. [no vote]
pertinax, Jun 21 2014

       This structure is precisely what Oracle claims Google copied from Java.   

       And, in a somewhat unbelievable coincidence, their law firm in that case was MoFo. (That's Morrison / Foerster, www.mofo.com).   

       So, if it turns out that you're Michael Jacobs, just out here trolling us, I will place a wing-tip in your ass next time I see you at court.   

       ('course, I'd want to be *sure* first. I wouldn't want to do that and be mistaken.)
lurch, Jun 22 2014


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