Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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peace training and vigilance vision system
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A set of goggles that would train us back into prey vision by taking a 360 degree shot of the surroundings (sphericam link) and feeding 180 degrees to each eye. It would look confusing for the first few weeks but I am sure eventually we could be trained back into prey vision. This would probably reduce the violence in the world too.
JesusHChrist, Dec 14 2012

Sphericam http://www.kickstar...y-360o-video-camera
[JesusHChrist, Dec 14 2012]

Prey view Kestrel_20Snax
[normzone, Dec 14 2012]

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       I would wear this!
pocmloc, Dec 14 2012

       Seems like it would be very cool! [+]
xandram, Dec 14 2012

       I like it!   

       Feature to add: Smart motion detection in which moving objects are highlighted, especially approaching objects. By "Smart" I mean that it would need to detect actual motion of viewed objects, and filter out camera motion effects.
Kansan101, Dec 14 2012

       ...but he said //feeding 180 degrees to each eye//, so not the 360 all at once. That's how I read it anyway.
xandram, Dec 14 2012


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