Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Yeah, I wish it made more sense too.

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A British horror film, where hapless victims are subjected to torments by a woodentop...

Oddly enough these all seem to food related, such as being ravenous but unable by etiquette to take the last biscuit on the plate, a formal dinner with three kinds of knives and not knowing which one to use...using the last teabag in the box at a friend's house..

The perpetrator has a fine line in home-made almost inedible foodstuff, including coleslaw (which is where the name comes from), that microtome cut school meal bacon, which has more sliced bits of bone than 1 pig could ever possibly contain, tepid semolina, et al.

not_morrison_rm, Dec 19 2014

The Disgusting English Candy Drill http://www.olemichaelsen.dk/gravity.html
[calum, Dec 19 2014]

Scott's Final Days https://www.youtube...watch?v=STzgXXU6GpI
[bs0u0155, Dec 19 2014]

The Woodentops http://en.wikipedia...dentops_(TV_series)
Quite scary in some ways ... [8th of 7, Dec 19 2014]


       //A British horror film ... food related //   

       Set in a Little Chef ?   

       // almost inedible foodstuff, including coleslaw //   

       This implies the existence of edible coleslaw, which is clearly impossible.   

       // microtome cut school meal bacon, which has more sliced bits of bone than 1 pig could ever possibly contain, tepid semolina, et al. //   

       The Horror of School Dinners ... don't forget the sausages made entirely from gristle, and the misleadingly-titled "liver and onions" ...   

       // woodentop //   

       That dates you ...
8th of 7, Dec 19 2014

       //being ravenous but unable by etiquette to take the last biscuit on the plate// <link>
bs0u0155, Dec 19 2014

       //woodentop// a what ?
FlyingToaster, Dec 19 2014

       Ahhh, the 1960's ... you had to be there ...   

       In the UK, "Woodentop" is also a slang (pejorative) term for a uniformed police officer, often used by the C.I.D.
8th of 7, Dec 19 2014

       British horror film ... food related... seems redundant somehow.
RayfordSteele, Dec 19 2014

       // woodentop // That dates you ...   

       Never been dated by something outside the Kingdom Animalia   

       Oddly enough "Aotus is the genus of golden peas and night monkeys" according to the wikipedia on taxonomy, so there might have been some hanky-panky between certain primates and err, plants. Easily understood, as it must been very dark at the time.
not_morrison_rm, Dec 19 2014

       It will need lots of camera work, angles, lighting, dramatic music.
bungston, Dec 19 2014

       Sliced cabbage, mayonnaise, some horseradish. Where is the horror? I like coleslaw.
popbottle, Dec 20 2014


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