At your average elementary school concert or similar
event, you'll find nearly every parent with a cell phone
in hand, diligently snapping poorly lit photos from
halfway across the room. The problem is the flashes
on most camera phones just aren't that powerful, and
can't do much for a dark
auditorium. If the power of
all of these flashes could be harnessed together,
however, everyone would benefit from a much greater
amount of available light.
Enter the Synchroflash app. All of the phones running
the app talk to each other, and when any person takes
a picture, all of the linked phones would turn their
flashes on simultaneously. The camera taking the
picture would then measure the total amount of light
available before snapping the picture.
With standard cameras becoming more sophisticated,
this could also have applications for DSLR users. Need
to get just a bit more light when shooting from a
distance? Just set up your phone(s) next to the
subject, and voilaimpromptu wireless flash!