Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Nice swing,
no follow-through.

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Toothsome Toothpaste

Toothpaste that makes food tasty (or, at least, edible).
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In college, I usually went to class directly from breakfast (if I bothered with breakfast). I wouldn't have a chance to brush my teeth immediately afterward, and I couldn't brush them before hand or all my food would taste minty. Can't have that. Toothsome Toothpaste (also available as a gel!) would allow you to brush your teeth and eat immediately afterward.
centauri, Sep 18 2000

"Natural" Toothpastes http://store.yahoo....are-toothpaste.html
Off-beat flavors include: Lemon, Cherry, Fennel, Myrrh. [jutta, Sep 18 2000]




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