Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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It might be better to just get another gerbil.

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car chaser painting drone

spray the windshield of the chased vehicle
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When a car is chased by the police and the chased car cannot go faster than a drone (e.g. hindered by slower, heavier traffic or a queue at a red light), a drone (like a dog) could be unleashed from the chaser or another, interceptor, waiting police car. The drone would speed to the haunted vehicle and drop/spray a sticky paint on its windshield (even while moving) (the paint/grease/oil would be sticky enough, stronger than the wipers; and the paint would become gradually less and less translucent, providing a short time period to slow down the car safely). The drone would also act as a surveillance helicopter, providing a live video stream about the driver and the passengers inside the car and following them even if they run from their car. The drone's camera would inspect the interior of the abandoned car, checking that no one is hiding inside. Either a human at the police HQ could drive the drone, or sooner or later the drone will be able to lock onto the target (the driver) and follow him. A house alarm could also unleash a drone (or more) to take photos of the intruders when they leave and follow them or their vehicle until a police car and drone take over the task from the home’s drone and start their chase. The home drone or the police drone might be able to glue/hook itself on the roof of the criminals’ vehicle before it reaches a speed exceeding the capability of the drone, so their position could be continuously transmitted to the police. When the door of the criminals’ car is opened and a criminal gets out of the vehicle, the drone could immediately spray a tranquilliser, or a human remote operator could trigger spraying another material, temporarily slowing down and weakening, or making the criminal fall asleep. If there is not such a strong glue to hold the whole drone, a glue must be able to hold some tracker chips that the drone spawns/drops onto the vehicle. The home drone might be shot down, but it might be very difficult to shoot a randomly moving drone which keeps a distance (elevation) until the criminals’ vehicle starts moving. The home defending drone could add a game changer feature to surveillance cameras: mobility; it can transmit a video of the whole neighbourhood, reading the registration plates of the nearby vehicles and fill the time gap between the alarm going off and the arrival of the security service or police. The home drone can be stored outdoors, just under the lower end of the roof, where the roof protrudes from the top of the wall. The drone can be mounted on a slide and the alarm can release the drone from the (ski jumping) slide and disconnect a wire that keeps the battery of the drone charged.
jratkai, May 17 2022

"Car not faster than a drone" https://www.google....AEB&sclient=gws-wiz
That's a pretty high number... [neutrinos_shadow, May 18 2022]

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       What [neut] said.
pertinax, May 17 2022

       Now look, if you're willing to stop a car by causing an accident you could at least use a few grenade launchers.
Voice, May 17 2022

       He literally said;   

       //the chased car cannot go faster than a drone (e.g. hindered by slower, heavier traffic or a queue at a red light), a drone (like a dog) could be unleashed from the chaser or another, interceptor, waiting police car.//   

       implying that a fleeing vehicle gets visually gunked while at slow enough speeds to minimize accidents.   


       Regarding the link we will make faster drones than that, I'm just saying that reduced speed was implied.   

Voice, May 18 2022

       "the paint would become gradually less and less translucent, providing a short time period to slow down the car safely"
jratkai, May 18 2022

       People running/driving from the police tend to not care about "slowing down safely". They're more "drive fast until crash or escape".
neutrinos_shadow, May 18 2022

       [+] The only reason this doesn't have more buns is because of the HBers who don't want to be sprayed into submission.
4and20, May 19 2022


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