Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Guitar Hero: 4'33"

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foot longs
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why hasn't there been foot longs?
earlzkman, Apr 04 2004

Tear-to-length cigarette papers http://www.roll-ups...879/shopscr157.html
Knock yourself out. [waugsqueke, Oct 04 2004]

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       Because they'd be unsmokable.
Because they'd look really stupid.
Because they'd be difficult to maufacture, package, transport and store.
Because the Western assumption that bigger is better only extends as far as food, property, alcohol and wrestlers.
calum, Apr 04 2004

       Don't forget autos.
RayfordSteele, Apr 04 2004

       and poke your neighbor in the eye ...
fasteddy, Apr 04 2004

       Because it's harder to hide a foot-long package from your parents and teachers.
tchaikovsky, Apr 04 2004

       Smoke breaks would take half the day.   


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