Not the most efficient, but definitely the cleanest
effective system for waste treatment.
Enables simple incineration (and preferably
of any waste such as manure, plastic, tires etc. for
creating steam and
using it for power or for desalination.
Stage 1: Chillers
powered by the waste heat lower a
coolant's temperature.
Stage 2: Air conditioning lowers the coolant's
temperature further, while sending heat to the water
which will later become steam .
Stage 3: The exhaust (smoke) from the incineration is
passed in pipes through a counter-current water pre-
heater, heating the water to be turned to steam
further, and cooling the exhaust.
Stage 4: The exhaust is passed through a heat
passing much of its heat to the coolant, lowering the
exhaust's energy, volume and pressure considerably.
Stage 5: The cold exhaust, is passed through a filter,
loosing all heavy particles.
Stage 6: The remaining mostly clean exhaust is now
passed through a large vegetation tower, cleaning it
from CO2 and creating oxygen.
Stage 7: The gas, now mostly oxygen, is fed back into
the process. Excess oxygen is released to the
The output of the process is steam. The input is used
tires, manure, plastic or any other waste.
The initial cost of such a system shouldn't be too
everything is standard equipment and making a tall
tower with vines growing in them shouldn't cost much