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free phone experience
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You get a mobile telephone and all calls are free of charge. From anywhere, to anywhere


All your calls are recorded and available on a website as mp3 files.

Sicko's can now choose from a wide variety of people to eavesdrop.

On the website you can have a personal spot where you can introduce yourself, something about your background, a picture. ( you might lie and have fake calls to make it interesting for listeners)

All the pictures you take could also be on the website and the textmessages.

Those who are most popular could even make money in the process.

Money is generated, people have to pay to listen. Maybe some inventive advertising.

Would you mind if everybody could listen to your conversations? Would you want to listen to others? Let me rephrase that, do you think "other people" would like to listen? (not you ofcourse not you you're not a sicko now are you?)

zeno, Mar 24 2007

ECHELON http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECHELON
[nuclear hobo, Mar 24 2007]


       Only if the identities of the callers were undiscoverable. I'd like software to give me a deep, resonant baritone voiceover.
MaxwellBuchanan, Mar 24 2007

       What makes you think your calls aren't *already* being listened to?
nuclear hobo, Mar 24 2007

       You can try to hide but if your mother calls you just gotta answer with your real name/personality.
zeno, Mar 24 2007

       Yes, [nuclear hobo] that's what inspired the idea, I thought well, why not get paid for it?
zeno, Mar 24 2007

       //What makes you think your calls aren't *already* being listened to?// An unfortunate grasp of the mundanity of the real world. It's a curse.
MaxwellBuchanan, Mar 24 2007

       For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses or forfeits his own self.   

       Luke 9:25   

daseva, Jun 27 2008

       /For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses or forfeits his own self./   

       Is the answer "the whole world except for him"?
bungston, Jun 28 2008

       //Sicko's can now choose from a wide variety of people to eavesdrop.// Not such a wide variety. A rather highly self-selected group, I should think.
mouseposture, Jun 28 2008

       i think the only problem here isn't if *you* mind your conversations being eavesdropped on, but do the people you're talking to ?
FlyingToaster, Jun 29 2008


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