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online dating that actually works, with truth-o-meter

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So, when I post on some dating websitey thingy, let's call this theoretical website clag's lizt, I can put in "I want to go on a date on Sunday in Ikebukuro at 6pm".

The program then will filter out all of those people who will inevitably and inexorably reply "Well, how about 9pm on Tuesday?" giving me only the details of those who actually do want to meet in that place at that time and on that day.

Additional filters that pop up with "Honey, he's lying about how recent is his profile photo, look it's a frikkin daguerreotype", "has more than two wooden legs", "Sugar pie, please sit down, I know he says he's single, but that photo, three toothbrushes by the sink..."and so on.

not_morrison_rm, Feb 18 2014

Watch out http://www.nydailyn...r-article-1.1617614
[JesusHChrist, Feb 18 2014]

BRJFBL Bee-Releasing_20Jam-Filled_20Banjo_20Leg
The Swiss Army Knife of legs, suitable for an assortment of purposes. [Wrongfellow, Feb 18 2014]

Exciting first date location.... http://www.hard-love.me/rochelle/
...probably a very poor " at least there's someone to show me the ropes.." joke in there somewhere [not_morrison_rm, Feb 18 2014]


       Good luck out there, [nmrm]... but this isn't *really* an HB idea, is it?
pertinax, Feb 18 2014

       I don't see here *How* a truth-o-meter works? Doesn't everyone lie somewhat on dating sites? I don't know because I've never went on one, but on other sites, I post only the best pictures of myself, so is that a lie or just slight deception?
xandram, Feb 18 2014

       Is more than 2 wooden legs a deal killer? Because I imagine many people have an assortment of purpose-appropriate legs - the dress leg, the sailing leg, the kicking leg etc. And as for the toothbrushes, many of us with broad smiles and two functining (upper) limbs use a couple in each hand, for greater efficiency? Why do you even have that other hand then?
bungston, Feb 18 2014

       Is more than 2 wooden legs a deal killer? Because I imagine many people have an assortment of purpose-appropriate legs - the dress leg, the sailing leg, the kicking leg etc. And as for the toothbrushes, many of us with broad smiles and two functining (upper) limbs use a couple in each hand, for greater efficiency? Why do you even have that other hand then?
bungston, Feb 18 2014

       //many people have an assortment of purpose-appropriate legs// ... while others prefer to combine their purpose-appropriate legs together, per the [link].
Wrongfellow, Feb 18 2014

       //*How* a truth-o-meter works?   

       Erm, well toothbrush counting pattern recognition doesn't seem overly tricky, also digital pictures tend to come with a datestamp, as I found out when I posted stuff online.   

       Also GPS of meet location can give some idea, is that near many swanky restaurants, or a lonely industrial estate...see linky for one location probably not ideal for a first date - suggested to me...
not_morrison_rm, Feb 18 2014

       if online dating actually worked, there would eventually be NO inperson dating.   

       dating by its very nature is about the manipulation and presentation of 'truth' to get sex and , sometimes, companionship.   

       god hope online dating never becomes more 'truthy' than in person dating, otherwise our species will become dependent on the internet for procreation. I could see that becoming a very interesting experiment in speciation. but I could also seeing it creating a pretty serious bottleneck and mass extinction when the electricity goes out one day because of a solar storm.
teslaberry, Feb 19 2014

       "Good or bad", Facebook is really making dating for the current young folks more "truthy".   

       For example, in most schools, any prospective date can & does check out your profile & history & friends on FB before agreeing to a 1:1 date.   

       Yes, that includes some self-censorship (but teenagers don't have much restraint yet), but it's far more accurate than another 3rd party website could do, & far more accurate than any tools even 15 years ago.   

       We'll see the results of this grand experiment play out soon enough.
sophocles, Feb 19 2014

       //dating by its very nature is about the manipulation and presentation of 'truth' to get sex and , sometimes, companionship.   

       1) So you're not that bothered if a pharma company improves on drug result tests?   

       2) You forgot to mention money along with sex and companionship.
not_morrison_rm, Feb 20 2014


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