Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Clearly this is a metaphor for something.

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5th Earth

It seemed like a good idea at the time.

[Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 10 2004]
 Acoustic Piston
(-1) Bad Idea Warning
(+4) Can o' Meringue
(+8, -2) Colorball
(+9)(+9) Custard Knuckles
 Dual-function Camera/Projector
(+3) Dynamic Voltage LCD
(+3, -4) Illusion Test
(+11)(+11) Litmus Leak
(+7, -1) Lookup Text Compression
(+1) MouseGun
(+4) Musical Trousers
(+4, -2) One Pipe Organ
(+8, -3) Paintball Golf
(+6, -1) Pocket Spinal Shiver
(+29, -3)(+29, -3)(+29, -3) Rifled Champagne
(+8, -4) RiotLand
 Sleep Switch
(+9)(+9) Sticky Toilet Seat Cover
(+4, -1) Straw Hilt
(+4, -2) Thunderheads
(+42)(+42)(+42) Trombone Exhaust
 Universal Book
(+1, -4) Vacublocks
(+2) Van der Graaf Razor
(+8, -4) Variable Stroke Engine
(+8)(+8) Vibroscoop
(+2, -5) Voter Rebate
(+7, -1) Waiterless Restaurant
(+1) X-Athlon

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