Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
There's no money in it.

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[imaginality]'s top ten
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The ideas of mine I like the most (today, at least) for one reason or another
 (+21, -2)(+21, -2)  The Biropractor  Jun 29 07 
 (+28, -3)(+28, -3)(+28, -3)  Haggling Vending Machine  Feb 15 07 
 (+33, -4)(+33, -4)(+33, -4)  Drain of Terror  Nov 26 06 
 (+11)(+11)  Your Centre of Geogravity  Nov 17 06 
 (+8, -1)  Bubble Wrap Torture Chamber  Nov 11 06 
 (+5)  Zented Toast  Nov 07 06 
 (+11, -2)(+11, -2)  Board of Prey  Oct 16 06 
 (+25, -3)(+25, -3)(+25, -3)  Transformers Kama Sutra  Sep 08 06 
 (+11, -1)(+11, -1)  Toaster Shoe  May 05 06 
 (+8, -2)  Bussy Castle  Apr 10 06 

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