Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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0 -> oo

For fun, and work. Take an idea from Halfbakery, and try to get some work done to realize it. Profit.
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A form of continuing friendships :) For the part of Halfbakers who are pragmatists, anyway, and want to share parts of their work with public. (see link for details)
Mindey, Mar 24 2020

0oo https://wiki.mindey...ccce50bf7db-0oo.mp4
[Mindey, Mar 24 2020]

h0w2 howtoengineerit_2ecom
What lead to 0 -> oo :) [Inyuki, Mar 25 2020]

UPDATE! https://www.youtube...5VVkDP&index=3&t=0s
Hopefully, a little nicer introduction to it. [Mindey, Jun 01 2020, last modified Jun 02 2020]

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       It's all fun and games until someone wants to get paid for their work and someone else wants their solar ignited fusion reactor to actually power their ice machine.
sninctown, Mar 25 2020

       0 is greater or equal to infinity?
RayfordSteele, Mar 25 2020

       This might be a useful site to continue the N-Prize work. No?
RayfordSteele, Mar 25 2020

       Is Mindey = Inyuki?
RayfordSteele, Mar 25 2020

       What [RayfordSteele] is suspecting, may be quite true. In fact, the story links back to 2005 (see link), when I was in living Japan.
Inyuki, Mar 25 2020

       // This might be a useful site to continue the N-Prize work. No?   

       Well, [Max] had mentioned once to me, that he'd want to get ideas of him linked, by all means ( 0oo.li/method/173/ -- it was on infty.xyz domain back then in test mode ), perhaps for purposes of implementation.   

       So, I would be happy to contribute to the continuation of N-Prize work, and cooperate more closely towards the expression of HB genome into real products that benefit the world more broadly, in the way that the public gets to know and question how it's been done. Also, I'm all-ears regarding suggestions. Right now there's no pagination nor search yet, and in "Multi-Lingual" mode the displayed content is all that there is published.   

       // It's all fun and games until someone wants to get paid for their work and someone else wants their solar ignited fusion reactor to actually power their ice machine.   

       Right. Well, they have all the rights to not share the critical components, pay however they want to their contributors, and yet have fun chatting with public about the highest levels of tasks :)   

       // 0 is greater or equal to infinity?   

       At first glance, we may think that 0 is less than infinity. However, when you start thinking through the lens of the ex-nihilo reasoning, 0 is what makes us create the concept of infinity, and thus, strictly greater than that.
Mindey, Mar 25 2020

       May be 0 -> oo means "To infinity and Beyond" ,Buzz Lightyear   

       (one of or collaboration of Joss Whedon, Andrew Stanton, Joel Cohen, Alec Sokolow) or someone else.
wjt, Mar 26 2020

       We nominate Gene Roddenberry, Miguel Alcubierre, and of course John de Lancie in the "someone else" category.
8th of 7, Mar 26 2020

       //0 is what makes us create the concept of infinity//   

       Wrong. Graeco-Roman antiquity did not have a "zero", but they did have the concept of infinity.
pertinax, Mar 27 2020

       National debt goes back a loooong way...
8th of 7, Mar 27 2020

       // Graeco-Roman antiquity did not have a "zero" //   

       This common claim, although exciting in its own right, doesn't pass the smell test. It's quite similar to the claim that ancient peoples couldn't find any way to move huge rocks large distances. One site claims the Romans simply used "Nulla". At any rate, it's a dead certainty that every bookkeeper had some way to record the fact that "Jim didn't pay"
4and20, Mar 27 2020

       The Romans also had a rather more forceful and permanent conception of a "Final Demand", too.
8th of 7, Mar 27 2020

       // Graeco-Roman antiquity did not have a "zero", but they did have the concept of infinity.   

       Right, but the zero had them before they had infinity.   

       Here's how:   

       1. assume "Nothingness" ("zero")
2. conclude "Equidistance" ("all-directional absence of information (zero)")
3. see definition of a sphere ("infinite-dimensional")

       You've got Graeco-Romans, computed from zero.
Mindey, Mar 27 2020

       Ah, I see you're confusing "zero" (a place-holding cypher with a particular role in the representation of numbers) with "nothing". They are not the same thing.
pertinax, Mar 28 2020

       It's just a scope attribute, nothing in that number position or absolute nothing. Both are nothing, but size-shape does matter.
wjt, Mar 28 2020

       //Here's how//   

       Alternatively, you could read something written by Greeks, and then maybe learn something about the actual history of ideas.   

       No, wait; I see that your reasoning above could easily be used to show that knowing nothing is just as good as knowing everything. And if you're content with that, I'll leave you to it.
pertinax, Mar 28 2020

       // knowing nothing is just as good as knowing everything.   

       Well, that is what I believe to be right for the multiverse as a whole.
However, for someone within a universe, it is most certainly not the case.
Mindey, Mar 28 2020

       Umm ... reading that back, it came out more aggressively than I intended. Sorry about that. I should go outside for a bit.   

       Dammit - virus. Never mind.
pertinax, Mar 28 2020

       You have the Dammit virus ?   

       <Frantic googling/>   

       Do the WHO know ? Are you the Index patient ? Have you self-isolated ? Is it very contagious ?
8th of 7, Mar 28 2020

       // actual history of ideas// Wow.   

       If it not the actual thing then it is representation of some sort and therefore flawed in certain respects.
wjt, Mar 29 2020

       According to Plato, any physical, real-world representation is always intrinsically flawed, hence his proposal of the "Platonic Solids" (q.v.)
8th of 7, Mar 29 2020

       I've but one takeaway from all of this...Mindey, you have a divine speaking voice. Sorry, the rest is too complex for me. Remember, our nation's in crisis.
blissmiss, Jun 02 2020

       [blissmiss], I'm surprised to hear. Do I? My English must be somewhat a mix between American and British English, with Lithuanian, Japanese and Chinese, and probably some other flavors.   

       I just updated adding a musing to the video, which hopefully makes it less boring to listen.   

       P.S. I did type "a music", and with computer keyboard. Does halfbakery now contain an entertaining parser, that converts "a music" into "a musing"? Wow. Could be the effects of the morning.
Mindey, Jun 02 2020


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