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2-D Glasses

Glasses that let people see the world in two dimensions
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3-D glasses are cool, sometimes, for making images on paper or on a movie screen appear to jump out at you, but what if I want to see the real world as if it were on paper or a movie screen. I'm not quite sure how the technology would work, what sort of colors the lens would need to filter out, but it would be a fascinating product. Put on a pair of 2-D glasses, and things that are jumping out of you will look like they're stuck on a flat surface. Where a pair to a haunted house or down a dark alley, and everything scary will appear like a harmless movie or comic strip.
smizzou, Jun 14 2001


       try walking around with one eye closed. it's a close approximation.
mihali, Jun 14 2001

       Make a version in clip-on and I might wear them sometimes just for the experience. I agree with PeterSealy regarding the advisability putting yourself at risk while wearing distortion glasses. I'd be scared s*itless at one of my favorite pastimes: a jaunt across 8 lanes of traffic.   

       As an alternative, why don't we get a supply of stem cells and set about growing a second blind spot in each eye. Until accomodation set in you'd have about the same effect.
reensure, Jun 15 2001

       Movement will always cause depth perception, unless you completely rewire your brain, which I don't recommend. If you somehow compensate for eye/head movements, your brain will get very confused, because it already compensates for these when it does registration and tracking.   

       To see that in action, close one eye and very gently move your other eyeball using your finger (through your eyelid, not against the eyeball itself). The world will appear to move. Since the image your eye sends is changing, and your eye isn't moving (as far as your brain knows), it must be the world that's moving. It's kind of freaky. The same thing will happen if you move your head or eye and somehow keep the image stable.   

       It's fun though to close one eye, hold still, and look at 2-d images. They look more 3-d because your brain isn't being shown that they're flat.
aigeek, Jun 15 2001

       Some people also have different abilities in 3d with two eyes. Someone I knew was a Marine that made sharpshooter because although both eyes worked, he didn't see in 3d. They asked him how it worked, and he said 'everything is right here' <holds hand in front of face>, 'it's just this big.' <first and second fingers about an inch apart.>
StarChaser, Jun 16 2001

       I have a friend with no 3D vision as well - possibly not the same sort. He's certainly not a marine, but he does rule at computer games.
sadie, Apr 22 2002

       //I'm not quite sure how the technology would work, what sort of colors the lens would need to filter out...//   

       //try walking around with one eye closed...//   

       How about one black lens and one clear?
JesseOQ, Aug 10 2003

       'Tis called an eyepatch, ye lubbers. Arrrg!
n-pearson, Aug 11 2003


       Marine with no 3D vision? - surely this is an urban legend, unless he has a very very weak left eye.
FloridaManatee, Aug 11 2003

       Yes one black lens and one clear lens should do just nicely. Or wear a monocle under/over your glasses. Who needs death- perception anyway?
carsten, Mar 19 2004


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