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Art Trash

decorate trash in situ to be beautiful
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There is trash on the side of highways and streets; artists could paint and decorate these in place, without creating fresh trash, turning them into beautiful objects. highway trash would be pleasantly lookable.

Who among us wouldn't respond well to a retread covered with glitter and fluorescent paint?

beanangel, Jan 20 2017

people have long been making art from trash- they don't leave it on the road https://www.google....FRiYKHTM2AOMQsAQIMA
[xandram, Jan 24 2017]


       //Who among us wouldn't respond well to a retread covered with glitter and fluorescent paint?// <raises other hand>   

       In the time it takes to decorate the trash, it could be picked up.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 20 2017

       Or placed into office.
RayfordSteele, Jan 24 2017

       I think the way the decorated trash remains at the same location is potentially beneficial.
beanangel, Jan 24 2017

MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 24 2017

       This is a kind of performance art you're doing, right, posting this stuff?
RayfordSteele, Jan 24 2017


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