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C Pee U

electronic toilet
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I stood over a server tower laying on its side. Side panel off with a full view of the motherboard submerged in 3" of water.

I thought to myself how great it would be if this was a toilet or minimum a urinal. In my minds eye it would be thrilling to pee on a motherboard and see tiny leds strobe and sparks as though i were blowing it up or shorting it out.

vfrackis, Nov 08 2012


       I had a physics teacher who worked in a hospital as training to become a combat medic. Apparently he had one case where someone stopped on his way home from the pub to pee over a railway bridge. He hit the third rail and suffered some severe burns to a delicate area.   

       Stand on thick dry rubber if you try it, or make sure it's low voltage. An iPad might be worth a try (watch out for any capacitors near the camera's flash though).
TomP, Nov 08 2012

       I was expecting an idea for a cooling system.
normzone, Nov 08 2012

       //I thought to myself how great it would be if this was a toilet or minimum a urinal.//   

       Well, why can't it be? Sounds like you've already baked this, except for the actual urination part.   

       //Apparently he had one case where someone stopped on his way home from the pub to pee over a railway bridge. He hit the third rail and suffered some severe burns to a delicate area.//   

       Off a railway bridge? I seriously doubt it. Mythbusters tried it and it was damn near impossible to get electrocuted peeing on the third rail. I think you had to be pretty much directly adjacent, and standing in a pool of water with no shoes on.
ytk, Nov 08 2012

       Now we need a C3PU, which is a urinal shaped like Threepio's body, with an open torso.
RayfordSteele, Nov 08 2012

       I see no problem with this... as long as there are no crossing of streams.   


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