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Chaos Synthesizer

Make the music sound more natural
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Synthesizers are amazing little creations allowing for the creation of very unique and interesting sounds, they also find use in the accompaniment of regular musicians who may not have the resources to have a full band.

One of the big issues with them is that they keep very rigid time and as such create an unnatural sound to the music(its too regular)

I propose a synthesizer with a Randomization(based on Chaos theory) feature which will introduce small variations into the rythyms being generated to simulate the somewhat irregular nature of performed music.

In addition a small foot pedal would allow the performer to make adjustments to the speed of the beat(slower or faster) to make the music more dynamically interesting with a minimum of performers, and with maximum flexibility for the given forum.(music played in a laid back club or wedding may work better a slower pace compared to a highschool dance)

jhomrighaus, Feb 15 2007

"computer music journal" variability http://www.google.c...rnal%22+variability
Current research on the subject [csea, Feb 16 2007]


       I just checked your site there Ian and all I can Say is DAMN.   

       Wanna trade jobs? I get to stare at Spreadsheets and email all day and mediate fights between my employees. I'd do Mayfair designs any day of the week.   

       In your second link I found it humorous that the CSQ is listed in the Museum section of the site. Id never really thought of linking the word museum with the word synthesizer.
jhomrighaus, Feb 15 2007

       actually its a little less random than you might think. Chaos theory talks alot about "random Predictablity" Examples would be that people all look very similar in general but there are always small variations(twins for example though appearing identical are not in fact identical just very similar) Another is in respect to repetitive systems(heart beats music etc.) there are small variances in the period of the beats but overall the beats occur in a predictable pattern, but measure close enough and you will find a small amount of randomness. This is one of the things that makes artificial music sound.. Well artificial, or makes simulations seem a little too perfect, we can sense these small variations on some level and so their absence makes things feel wrong or out of place.
jhomrighaus, Feb 15 2007

       Various solutions to this have been implemented for donkey's years, including groove templates, Roland's so-called "human feel" drum machines and user-adjustable randomisation in software.
BunsenHoneydew, Feb 15 2007

       [bigsleep] you may want to do a little research. Chaos theory is established science and has applications across all areas of science and medicine(IE the defibrillator is one such device)
jhomrighaus, Feb 15 2007

       I have tried leaving a pencil side-down on a table, and have often been dissappointed by its failure to remain there over, say, a lunch-break.
MaxwellBuchanan, Feb 15 2007

       That's some seious knob twiddling, Ian. "Pointless" is fantastic, as is how you made it. What did you sequence it on?
wagster, Feb 15 2007

       Awesome idea!
quantum_flux, Feb 15 2007


       A google search of ( "computer music journal" +variability ) will give you a large resource of articles about the current progress of making computer-based music more "human." [link]
csea, Feb 16 2007


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