Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Apply directly to forehead.

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Charity Foghorns

For the truly sanctimonious.
  (+2, -3)
(+2, -3)
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Depending on the charity you donate to, you get a foghorn of a particular color, and with a particular frequency. Also, for multifunctional chairty organizations, ensembles can be orchestrated where the participants parade around town blowing their horns in some stilted melody, all the while letting everyone around know just how charitable and good they really are.

At least, we'll be getting rid of ribbons.

daseva, Jul 26 2005


       Stop with the charity spinoffs, please!   

       This would turn people against charities, because they would be accosiated (sorry) with foghorns.   

       I'm afraid I'm keeping the bun.
dbmag9, Jul 26 2005

       Too echoey to bun, too amusing to bone.
wagster, Jul 26 2005


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