Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Corrida Clown

In baggy clothes and greasepaint to protect fallen matadors
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A corrida clown with barrel would lend color to the bullring and distract an angry bull about to make the bullfight gory.

Also if the bull can oust a cowboy from its back within 10 seconds, its life will be spared. In that case, instead of an ear, the matador should be presented with a clown-sculpted balloon dog.

Apprentice clowns would train with mechanical bar bulls and final exams will take place on Pamplona street corners.

FarmerJohn, May 17 2005

rodeo clown http://www.abc.net....cripts/s1233829.htm
[FarmerJohn, May 18 2005]


       Maybe the crowds could hurl peeled plum tomatos at the "would be run clowns" to get everyone right into the spirit of things.
skinflaps, May 18 2005


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