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Delayed Mentos

'cause it's just so darn tempting.
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Cover a mentos candy with a gelatin coating and let dry.
The thickness of the coating determines how long you have to make good your get away after dropping one in your buddies beer.

(?) FREE THE CARBON! http://www.wltx.com....aspx?storyid=30567
[2 fries shy of a happy meal, Feb 15 2006]


       Bloody brilliant + I was searching for a way to put the mentos in better than dropping it. This is it!
zeno, Feb 15 2006

       Do Mentos do some unusual thing to beer beyond adding a minty flavor?
bristolz, Feb 15 2006

       Apparently it does. See link.
dbmag9, Feb 15 2006

       Hmm. Interesting.
bristolz, Feb 15 2006

       The gelitan coating wouldn't all dissolve at the same time, so the results wouldn't be as exciting.   

       However, just have a thin sphere of gelitan with finely powdered arabic gum inside, and it would be exciting.
Worldgineer, Feb 15 2006

       [sp: gelatin, right?] Works with soda, too, not just with beer. A family-sized bottle makes about a 6-foot fountain.
jutta, Feb 16 2006

       Maybe try straight arabic gum wrapped in rice paper?
bristolz, Feb 16 2006

       This WOULD work if the beer was carbonated.   

       In other words, BUN.
DesertFox, Feb 16 2006

       Ah yes, gelatin.   

       "This WOULD work if the beer was carbonated."   

       Is there a beer that isn't carbonated?
bristolz, Feb 16 2006

       Yes, guinness.(nitrogen)
zeno, Feb 16 2006

       //Is there a beer that isn't carbonated// Apart from residual CO2 from fermentation, I'd say just about any beer worth drinking isn't carbonated.
coprocephalous, Feb 16 2006

       //Is there a beer that isn't carbonated//   

       yes, Carlsberg special brew, aka electric soup.(fuel injection)
skinflaps, Feb 16 2006

       The kids are gonna love this!
Shz, Feb 16 2006

       Pure Minty Evil!
Dub, Feb 16 2006

       //Is there a beer that isn't carbonated?//
//Yes, guinness.(nitrogen)//

       Don't you mean nitrogenated?
DesertFox, Feb 16 2006

       This would work in Guiness too, I'm sure. After all, gum arabic affects the surface tension of water, regardless of what's dissolved in it.   

       This leads me to an alternate prank involving gum arabic and soda that I should post.
shapu, Feb 16 2006

       [zeno], I think you are confusing the nitrogen draft system that Guiness invented with the CO2 that occurs naturally during fermentation and which nearly every fermented beer brewer either charge forces into beer prior to bottling (kegging) or is added to the beer by an addition of yeast and wort prior to bottling; the renewed fermentation adds CO2 to the beer ("kreusening").   

       Guinness uses nitrogen, along with their special taps, to produce an aeration, a lot of really fine bubbles, at the time of dispensing but the Guiness brew itself has plenty of CO2 in it, after all, nitrogen cannot even be absorbed by beer.   

       Commercial brewers even have a special term they use to describe how much CO2 is in the beer, "volumes of CO2," which describes how much CO2 is dissolved in the beer. Typically a pint of beer has 2.5 pints of CO2 dissolved in it which is called "2.5 volumes of CO2." Dissolved CO2 is what forms that creamy beer head and makes the beer sparkle. Any beer without carbonation is just flat wrong. ;-)
bristolz, Feb 16 2006

       Wow [Bristolz], even I did not know all that and I know my beers. Now explain it to me again only this time pretend I'm a three year old.
zeno, Feb 17 2006

       Now tell the one about the difference between ales, lagers, stouts, and beers, [bristloz].   

       Now invent something that blows the caps off of vodka bottles.
skinflaps, Feb 17 2006

       baked. It's called a match (well, assuming the proof's high enough, and there's some headspace for oxygen, blah blah blah...).
Worldgineer, Feb 17 2006

       My husband is a long-time beer maker so I have an inside source :)   

       Ales, lagers and stouts are all beers, [DeRiBoCa]. Ales are top fermented warm, with darker malts than lagers, which are bottom fermented, cool, and both ale and lager use different yeasts. Stouts are ales but use dark roasted grain (barley) and, in Imperial Stouts, use "black" malts, too.   

       The odd ones out are the spontaneous fermentation (airborne yeast) Lambics, the frozen brew-step Ices and the bottom-fermented at top-fermenting temperature Steams.
bristolz, Feb 17 2006

       I like it.
HalfBaker, Oct 03 2007

       Nice. You could possibly find a material that dissolves at the same time as the rest of said material, giving it even better potency than just dropping it in. Although, the sinking gives it more time and helps it to cause a nice blast.
Shadow Phoenix, Oct 03 2007


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