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Floppy Sucker

USB stick form factor, hand driven floppy drive
  (+6, -1)
(+6, -1)
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3,5" Floppy drives are a dying species, yet floppies (floppys?) persist. The Floppy Sucker is just as long as half the diameter of a floppy, making it as portable as a USB Stick and has a handle that can be swiveled out (just like a nail clipper), that allows you to manually operate the floppy.

You clip it onto a floppy, cock it, then deftly operate the levers, just like a scissor. the device spins the floppy, shovels all it sees into its internal GBs of flash and then sets to do a little pattern recognition onboard, condensing the 'analog' data down to its meager 1.4MB core. An indicator light tells you how sure the device is about its recognition and with a switch you can decide whether to retain the analog data, to be later analysed by the far more capable dektop computer, or free the memory for some further disk-sucking.

loonquawl, Aug 31 2007


       very neat
pertinax, Aug 31 2007

       Having recently gone through a large stakc of old floppies to see if there was anything worth saving, anything that would make that process simpler gets my vote.
DrCurry, Aug 31 2007

       So let me get this straight. A USB thumbdrive stlye device (flash memory) with the capability to read a disk, powered by the human hand? If so, bun. Very cool.
evilpenguin, Aug 31 2007

       Either that or it's a lollypop shaped like a floppy drive.   

       Actually, that's cute, too. The hard candy of the sucker spins inside a plastic case (perhaps as you press a button on the handle), and you stick your tongue through the read-hole on the case to enjoy.
globaltourniquet, Aug 31 2007


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