Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Green-banana candy

Enigma in your mouth
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A semi-sweet candy that has the essence of a green banana. That pleasantly unidentifiable taste; you can tell there is something in your mouth, but not quite what it is. It's not exactly sour, but it's not sweet either... no bitterness, no saltiness... it's just kind of there.

(apologies to my father; his idea)

absterge, Feb 15 2001

Article about the European Union's redefinition of chocolate. http://www.findarti...50/p1/article.jhtml
Cadbury's is the real thing? Hardly. [DrBob, Feb 15 2001, last modified Oct 05 2004]

Supertasters http://www.sfn.org/briefings/taste.html
Not being elitist: we're here, and we taste and smell things most people can't. [rmutt, Feb 15 2001, last modified Oct 05 2004]


       I think green bananas are bitter and acidic. I wouldn't call it 'unidentifiable'...
StarChaser, Feb 16 2001

       Hear hear! Green bananas are truly unpleasant, unless that's just one more thing that only supertasters notice. What's next? WATERCRESS candy? STs of the world unite against nasty food! And don't get me started on perfume...
rmutt, Feb 16 2001

       Heh. Want some nasty food? Try Tamarind...   

       What's an ST?
StarChaser, Feb 16 2001

       I think ST might mean Super Taster. But let's not get elitist about it. I personally would welcome bitter-chocolate candy. I know I can buy baker's chocolate, but that's not as creamy.
badoingdoing, Feb 16 2001

       Add my vote to decent chocolate! I can't stand the trash Hersheys peddle under the good name "chocolate" and always beg/bribe/threaten friends going overseas for a few bars of good ol Cadbury's (the real thing).
jetckalz, Feb 16 2001

       jetckalz, where do you live? How do you manage without Cadbury's "Crunchie" or "Caramilk"? Most unfortunate. These bars are plentiful in Canada.
Wes, Feb 16 2001

       A potential usergroup could be a newfounded religious group, where the candy could be used in rituals.
rrose, Feb 16 2001

       Exactly how green are we talking here? Bananas are perfect when they're just barely tinted green on the ends only, with no brown yet. Any more green than that is too much though.
PotatoStew, Feb 17 2001

       well, PotatoStew, we're not talking off-the-tree BLUE or anything, just green as in before they start degrading into sugary goop (as many fruit and vegetables are prone to do; apples, carrots, potatoes...). That quasi-ripe state between acrid greenness and sickening sweet is what we're after. Probably just a bit greener than most people prefer their bananas.   

       (Come to think of it, my father can't smell very well, and there's no telling how well he may or may not be able to taste... maybe this isn't a very good idea after all.)
absterge, Feb 18 2001

       Ah, so desu. I know from supertaster, just didn't recognize the out of context acronym...   

       I think so too, PotatoStew...My father likes them almost so brown that you can pour them, which I find nauseatingly sweet.
StarChaser, Feb 18 2001

       Pourable banana? Interesting... maybe your father can try using one of those pointy-ended straws from off of a single-serving juice box drink... just poke it through the banana's skin and slurp away.   

       Ugh. I don't feel so good now.
PotatoStew, Feb 18 2001

       The Durian is a fruit from Malaysia that is also called the "stink fruit". It is illegal to eat these in public places due to the smell. On a recent trip my father brought back a bag of Durian hard candy. I can only describe the taste as garlic vomit with too much black pepper.
blahginger, Feb 19 2001

       The European dictate on what may defined as "chocolate" depends on the quantity of cocoa solids the substance contains. English chocolate, such as Cadbury's, depends on cocoa butter for its flavour, and contains a relatively limited proportion of cocoa solids. Despite this so-called shortcoming, Cadbury's is flavoursome and popular, and although it is clearly distinct from, say, Belgian or Swiss chocolate, calling it anything other than chocolate is petty and pedantic in the extreme.
Lemon, Feb 20 2001

       I think Belgian chocolate has to be at least in the running for the "quintessential chocolate experience". Jetckalz has a perfectly good point about smuggling in chocolate from overseas... it is not the oversweetened banal-flavoured stuff propagated by big North American companies. Wes, though I admit Cadbury's in Canada is preferable to many, it is NOT Cadbury's from Bourneville (Eng.). In Canada it's owned by Nestle I think, though I could be mistaken. The bars they produce here are sickly imitations of the originals. Anyone fortunate enough to have access to Bernard Callebaut or Purdy's has to have a desperate chocolate craving to go to the local corner store brands. Unfortunately just about everything here in Canada is manufactured to different standards under the same names. As to standards, I don't think England's ever had much of a reputation for fine quality native foods and ingredients. The chocolate's not Belgian-style, but there's little wrong with it. (And Cadbury's does make a semisweet bar that fits the high cocoa solids standards of Europe - I had one not long ago from Heathrow.)
sirenity, Feb 20 2001

       Lindt chocolate from Switzerland was described by my fiancee as 'Climax in a box'. I bought her a kilo of it for Xmas...and because of the exchange rate between Swiss francs and USDollars, it was only 30$ with shipping.   

       Me, I'm not particularly impressed by chocolate. It tasted more or less like the normal stuff I'm used to. But it made her happy and got me pounced, and in the end, isn't that what it's all about?
StarChaser, Feb 23 2001

       Yes indeedy. In fact in the UK, after WWII, when chocolate first became popular, it was the fashion to eat some before a smooch so that you could taste it on each others mouth. It all sounds very unhygienic to me.
DrBob, Feb 23 2001

       tsk tsk. the idea was to have a flavorless candy. How about Tofudge? Or maybe some ToJam for spread.
thumbwax, Mar 22 2001

       I like the idea of "not sour, not sweet" et c...but please, don't ruin such a good idea with the connotation of green bananas! They are, truly, neither sour nor sweet; but instead of being a pleasing enigma, they are disgusting. (Personal opinion only; no offense meant to anyone who, like my mislead brother, loves the things)
Urania, Mar 22 2001

       i'd smack on green-banana flavored gum any day
reginagirl, Apr 03 2001

       Yes to green banana I say! All the translations of fruit flavours suffer in candy form because they lose all the acid bite. Banana flavour sweets taste nothing like banana, just like banana flavour. Then again, I don't enjoy the sensation of coating my mouth with sugar so that I can 'enjoy' an artifical fruit flavour. If I want to taste banana, I'll eat a banana.
gravelpit, Jun 08 2001

       Now would probably be a good time to mention that Plantains shallow-fried in oil with a little chopped red chilli are very nice.
hippo, Jun 08 2001

       I think green banana gum would taste good because it wouldn't be as sweet as regular gum.
idealer, Mar 12 2003


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