Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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HeRose Sandwich

Hey. It's Easter. Forget about it. Have a HeRose.
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Enhance the tradition of Easter with a new tradition, a sandwich of Easter, the HeRose.  There would be a little miraculous-like toasted Shroud-of- Turan image of Jesus on the underside of the top bread piece.  We would could probably get a 'body of christ' eating tie-in.  Kind of a cross- shaped finger sandwich.  Manufacture some nail-lookin' toothpicks people could buy in season to fasten the sandwich together.  Something new like this could be a big media distraction from the truth.  'Yes, bad things happen to good people, but have you seen our new HeRose sandwiches?'
Mustardface, Apr 04 2010

Chocolate Jesus http://www.youtube....watch?v=1wfamPW3Eaw
When in Rome, I suppose... [Postscript, Apr 05 2010]


       Cynical and shameless exploitation of a major and sacred religious festival in the cause of crass commercial gain, plus a truly dreadful pun.   

8th of 7, Apr 04 2010

       You could get David Bowie to help with the marketing.
Jinbish, Apr 04 2010

       //You could get David Bowie ...// Nah, He Fell.
jurist, Apr 04 2010

       [jurist]: You little wonder, you.
Jinbish, Apr 05 2010

       We celebrate Zombie Jesus day.
normzone, Apr 05 2010

       + yay (I'm a catholic gone bad!)
xandram, Apr 06 2010

       Can I have a gingerbread crucified saviour instead?
BunsenHoneydew, Apr 07 2010

       I remember a firm producing a chocolate Jesus - it was branded as an "Immaculate Confection" (seriously!).
Jinbish, Apr 07 2010


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