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Omni Directional Roller Shoes To Run In Place While Virtual Gaming

Actually walk, run, climb and slide in VR worlds as motorized rollers on your shoes move you in sync with the scene.
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The shoes would have motorized casters that sensed your walking motion and matched the VR scene to sync your perceived location while keeping you in one place like somebody doing the Moonwalk dance move.

If you started running, the casters would turn more quickly to keep you in place and the scene would speed up. Motion could be added like in video rides where for instance you're sliding down a hill and the shoes vibrate and slide back in forth. Climbing up hill could be simulated by some of the wheels applying braking pressure making it harder to walk.

Might be a way to get gamers some exercise.

doctorremulac3, Nov 16 2022

Multi-directional roller skate https://patents.goo...atent/US5716074A/en
A in-line roller skate has spherical roller wheels with multi-directional turning ability. The skate has the ability of both forward and rearward movement, but can also slide sideways in lateral and angular directions, in a similar manner to a figure skating ice skate. [a1, Nov 16 2022]

Infinadeck https://www.infinadeck.com/
Omnidirectional treadmill for full-body motion in VR. Can use individually or as networked digital devices for multiple users to train, work or play together. [a1, Nov 16 2022]

Smarter Every Day 192 tells it better than the advertising blurb https://www.youtube...watch?v=fvu5FxKuqdQ
The Infinadeck Omnidirectional Treadmill [a1, Nov 16 2022]

Hundreds of Trackballs... https://www.google....6LWltZw&sclient=img
Or just one big one? [neutrinos_shadow, Nov 16 2022]

So this with a track pad instead of the trampoline. https://www.target....fD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
Strap yourself to the bar with a belt and run in your socks. [doctorremulac3, Nov 17 2022]

Segway Drift https://www.segway.com/segway-drift-w1/
[a1, Nov 17 2022]

This is what they'd look like. https://www.llbean....536-GN3&csp=f&pos=7
Instead of cleats, trackballs with solenoid activated brakes. [doctorremulac3, Nov 17 2022]

WizDish https://www.wizdish.com/
Similar to the "socks on trackpad" method [neutrinos_shadow, Nov 17 2022]


       Would be more fun to wear these wandering through a busy street and then suddenly activate a cool dance routine, gliding sideways and spinning through the crowds while casually sipping from a trendoccino in a re-useable cup
pocmloc, Nov 16 2022

       [pocmloc] - the skates you want already exist (link). Not sure if they could be adaptable to doc's idea.
a1, Nov 16 2022

       Not motorised
pocmloc, Nov 16 2022

       Motorized roller skates exist also. Orthopedic surgeons refer to them as job security skates. They would probably LOVE adding the omnidirectional feature.
a1, Nov 16 2022

       Those "Multi-directional roller skates" are ridiculous. If there's no resistance in any direction, how do you move at all?
neutrinos_shadow, Nov 16 2022

       [neutrions_shadow], an excellent question. I didn't say it was a GOOD idea, just that the patent exists. Skimming through it, I see it does mention toe and heel stops, but darned if I know how anyone would actually skate on these.   

       Off to YouTube see if anyone has actually managed.
a1, Nov 16 2022

       I think the closest thing to what [doctorremulac3] suggested is the Infinadeck (links). Instead of wheels on the feet, it's an omnidirectional treadmill - you walk, the treadmill keeps you in place and a VR headset does your scenery. The Smarter Every Day video does a pretty good overview of the kind of tech it uses.
a1, Nov 16 2022

       Just occurred to me you could do away with the motors counteracting motion to keep the player in place by just having the shoes basically use a series of track balls arranged sort of like cleats. Then have the running platform be slightly concave so the runner tends to slide back into the middle no matter which direction they ran. The only thing needed would be brakes so when it sensed you stopped running you wouldn't continue to rock back and forth, which would be much simpler.   


       Could also just have that slightly concave platform made of hundreds of trackballs.   

       Also hmm.
doctorremulac3, Nov 16 2022

       Hey, that's cool neut. Lot of mass in that ball though I'd think. Don't think mom would let the kids put one in the living room either.   

       Maybe have a 3x3 track pad with a waste level harness that turns 360 degrees but keeps you in place. Run in your socks.   

doctorremulac3, Nov 17 2022

       Omnidirectional roller skates will be much easier to engineer and cheaper to build than an omnidirectional treadmill [+]
Voice, Nov 17 2022

       // If there's no resistance in any direction, how do you move at all//   

       They can selectively lock direction via many possible mechanisms including but not limited to actuated wheel-shaped brake pads, gearing, and a multi-dimensional computer controlled set of rollers.
Voice, Nov 17 2022

       One way to make controllable omnidirectional skates would be with powered mecanum wheels. Normally those are mounted on four corners, but I'm pretty sure that four inline could also work. Alternate the orientation. If you lock the rotation of left handed and right handed wheels so they spin at the same rate, they will behave like regular roller blades. If you spin left wheels forward and right wheels backward, the skate will move sideways.   

       The only problem with skates, is that it will feel like you're wearing skates, not walking/running, but you could no VR rollerblading...
scad mientist, Nov 17 2022

       Just based on the title I was sure this was a [beanangel] idea.
ytk, Nov 17 2022

       // Omnidirectional roller skates will be much easier to engineer and cheaper to build than an omnidirectional treadmill //   

       As a single component, maybe. But for the total system described in the original idea - with body position sensing, keeping you physically in one place on a platform while displaying your actions in VR - I think Infinadeck took the right approach.   

       If you want skates though, look at the Segway Drift (link). Would have to replace the single large roller and drive motor in each skate with a trackball or turnable caster, but as a motorized skate with some sensing tech built in it would be a good start.
a1, Nov 17 2022

       //They can selectively lock direction via many possible mechanisms including but not limited to actuated wheel-shaped brake pads, gearing, and a multi-dimensional computer controlled set of rollers.//   

       Exactly. There’s nothing inherently prohibiting this from being done, and unlike all of a1’s frantic comparisons, people might actually buy these.   

       //Just based on the title I was sure this was a [beanangel] idea.//   

       Whatever happened to beanangel? A true surrealist. Miss that guy.
doctorremulac3, Nov 17 2022

a1, Nov 17 2022

       So Voice, I think I'm moving from motors and brakes to brakes only on this thing, I just don't think motors are needed. As neut pointed out, without resistance it's just like standing on ice in your bare feet. Brakes are simple and allow directional control in a practical fashion.   

       So see link, this is exactly what they'd look like. I'm going passive for the motion input and active for the directional motion attenuation. Either this or the track pad you run on with socks but that'd need a rotating belt attached to the pad to keep you in place. Looking into both.
doctorremulac3, Nov 17 2022

       //Wizdish// Whoa! I wanna try it!   

       Think my next crazy weekend project will be to buy one of those round concave toboggans and see what it's like walking on it in socks. Do you just stay in the middle as you slide down? Might be able to get rid of the big harness thing.
doctorremulac3, Nov 17 2022


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