Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Recycled Deliveries

Recycling the packaging of large items
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Many of the large items that delivery firms deliver come in packaging that use timber pallettes, bubble wrap, polystyrene balls, plastic wire etc., etc. Usually the recipient of the delivered goods just throws the packaging away, because s/he has no use for it. Most of this stuff could be re-used by charities, firms, individuals – if only they were offered it. There are many websites that offer the facility to get rid of unwanted stuff for free, like potentially re-usable packaging - Freecycle probably being one of the most well known of the bunch.

Maybe these delivery firms could play their part in the 'Green' movement out there, by including such websites like Freecycle on the receipt form that the delivery firm hands out, along with a brief message to encourage people to consider recycling the packaging their item comes delivered in. Seeing as recycling seems to be the flavour of the day, one unforeseen benefit of this idea might be that the delivery firm gains some kudos points in the eyes of some environmentally aware people who may wish to use that firm again. So, not only does the environment win with this idea but also potentially the delivery firm as well.

NumboJumbo, Dec 23 2007

Furniture from fedex boxes http://blog.makezin...iy_fedex_furni.html
...sadly Fedex shut the site down, infringement of some sort. [loonquawl, Feb 13 2009]


       Recycling isn't a new idea - or am I missing something?
phoenix, Dec 24 2007

       Yeah, I'm not seeing this a much of anything new, how ever good the motives and results.   

       How about this? The shipper provides a large rigid outer box in a range of standard sizes and interlocking shapes. The shipper owns the boxes, mind. The box is easy open and quick to load and empty. It's also padded and suspended inside, with air bladders in the inner compartment. Outside are grab handles, LCD readout, RFID tags, robot-handling fittings, etc.   

       The customer can then pack minimally, as his package will not need to be rigid, nor subject to great impact. He calls the shipper and asks for a container for a package size.   

       The shipper arrives, opens the box, the package is dropped in and the air bladders activated. The shipper now has a standard box with everything optimized for easy handling and delivery.   

       Upon arrival, the box is opened, and only the package handed to the customer. He has less mess to deal with, and less to recycle.   

       The shipper puts the empty box back on the truck, in one of the standard slots, and puts it back into the system.   

       Using this method, the shippers gain standardization, and only lose the space and weight and bother of transporting empties back into the system.
baconbrain, Dec 24 2007


       Isn't social innovation still part of invention? Or am I missing the point of halfbakery? I'm new here...   

       I actually really like this idea.
toastertester, Jan 08 2010


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