Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Site-Specific Clothing

An End to The Struggle for Appropriate Apparel
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so you're living the good life-- but is there really an outfit which goes gracefully from brunch with the in-laws to an afternoon of boating to dinner & an evening movie? No.
You'd have to change.
Or would you?

What if, everywhere you went, the appropriate garment was already there, waiting for you?

A few examples:
Save tons of money on your wedding dress-- there's one at every altar, just like a bible.
You'd only need one suit for work-- if it was glued to your desk chair.

Everyone would go from place to place in simple black, white or "flesh-toned" ensembles. There would be a range of foundation garments, something appropriate for every body type, from bikinis and catsuits for the young and daring to a simple t-shirt and pants for the portlier among us.

you are versatile, wearing many hats. which are not in and of themselves versatile, so they should be nailed in important places, at adjustable head-level.

subgenius, Jul 05 2002

Internet Suit http://www.halfbake...dea/Internet_20Suit
"A wearable, plasma screen ..." [phoenix, Jul 05 2002, last modified Oct 04 2004]

chameleon clothing http://www.halfbake...hameleon_20clothing
"clothes that change colour" [phoenix, Jul 05 2002, last modified Oct 04 2004]

Holographic Clothes http://www.halfbake...lographic_20Clothes
"Virtual Clothes for every occasion." [phoenix, Jul 05 2002, last modified Oct 04 2004]

Laser Clothes http://www.halfbake...dea/Laser_20Clothes
"...project the image of "clothes"..." [phoenix, Jul 05 2002, last modified Oct 04 2004]

Personal Hologram Generator http://www.halfbake...ologram_20Generator
"...generates a user programmable hologram surrounding the user." [phoenix, Jul 05 2002, last modified Oct 04 2004]

Instantly Adjustable Clothing http://www.halfbake...justable_20Clothing
"Clothing that instantly changes its properties and coverage based on the wearer's current needs" [phoenix, Jul 05 2002, last modified Oct 04 2004]


       Insofar as you can rent bowling shoes when you get to the Bowling Alley, I'm going to call this one Baked (although it might also count as a me-too).
DrCurry, Jul 05 2002

       Croissant; downside would be possibly having to wear clothing with other peoples' stink in it. I think I would bring my own clothes to the trailhead, for example.   

       ([phoenix], all those links are for a different idea. this idea is pretty clearly for appropriate clothing to be available at point of use, not for existing clothing to morph somehow.)
wiml, Jul 06 2002

       They all solve the same problem, albeit in different ways.
phoenix, Jul 06 2002

       //but is there really an outfit which goes gracefully from brunch with the in-laws to an afternoon of boating to dinner & an evening movie? No.//
Actually, yes.
Navy Blazer over Maroon-Red Tie atop blue and white shirt. Tan slacks with Meltonian belt. Fishbone boxers, croissant socks and Meltonian shoes. You can go to woik, dinner, a party, a wedding, another party, stage play, wrap party for the stage play...
thumbwax, Jul 06 2002


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