Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Sofa Crumb Tray

crumb tray for bottom of sofas
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Similar to every other extractable crumb tray, except fitted to the bottom of a sofa, and with one main difference.... this one dings like an old slot machine every time a coin falls on it.
xenzag, Feb 02 2007

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       A shiny chrome sofa with a crumb tray and pop-up cushions to make you stand up when your TV programme's finished.
hippo, Feb 02 2007

       <vision of a budgerigar perched upon a tiny sofa within a cage with the door open snacking on a Cuttlefish bone> End vision +
skinflaps, Feb 02 2007

       I would probably dare someone to eat all of the crumbs after a year of sofa usage. Daring someone to eat all of the dirt and crumbs from under the refrigerator is getting old.
Jscotty, Feb 02 2007

       + I'd like to get a version for my car.
xandram, Feb 02 2007

       This was a pretty dern good idea.   

       Give it a little calculating capacity and you'd have a slot-o-couch. Ching-Ching as you watch "High Stakes Poker" and pretend you're one of them cute guys. (You know by raising and lowering the raising and lowering Lazy-Boy arm.)
blissmiss, Apr 22 2009


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