Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Solar System Planet Treats Teach Kids In A Fun Way

Treats shaped like planets range from cookies for Jupiter to jelly beans for Mercury
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The box would be shaped like the lower say, 15% of the sun to give the comparison, picture a smile shape, which would be appropriate because inside, from the middle to the ends, arranged by size you'd get:

1- Jupiter cookie

2- Saturn cookie

3- Neptune and Uranus (get your mind out of the gutter) macaroons on either side of the big Jupiter and Saturn cookies.

4- Earth and Venus M&Ms.

5- Mercury and Mars jelly beans on the ends.

They'd all be printed with appropriate frosting or coating representing the surface of each planet with the name printed as well.

Alternatively you could do the portion thing with Jupiter and Saturn to get the treats closer in size. You'd still get the relative size comparison doing the same thing with the big gas planets as with the sun box. Could just do all cookies then, no need to do the jelly bean thing for the little guys.

Kids learn about the planets in a fun way.

doctorremulac3, Dec 24 2023

Like so https://starlust.org/how-big-is-the-sun/
[doctorremulac3, Dec 24 2023]

These only with correct relative sizes. https://cookieconne...em-by-peony-cookies
Larger planets showing only a portion but such that size can be extrapolated by shape given and the Sun being the box shaped like the lower 15% or so.. [doctorremulac3, Dec 24 2023]

Earth-chan is not flat https://pbs.twimg.c...rmat=jpg&name=small
[Voice, Dec 31 2023]


       It should come with layout instructions to build a scale model of the solar system. You could walk or ride them to each planet, then they get to eat it. With a big marshmallow sun at the end
Voice, Dec 24 2023

       That's friggin brilliant.   

       So you open the box and say "Oh no! It's empty! Ohh, here's a map. 5 paces to mercury." The parent walks 5 paces to a very obviously not well hidden mercury cookie, half way behind a plant or something, then another 5 paces to Venus etc.   

       You could customize the map to your house, there might be a website you log into.   

       I would absolutely buy this for the kids.
doctorremulac3, Dec 24 2023

       Obviously the distances between the cookies would be unrelated to the scale of the cookies.   

       Otherwise you wouldn’t be able to fit the solar system map in a single house.   

       Assumed that was obvious.   

       But it would be cool to go on a picnic at a park where you could pace off the distances true to the scale of the cookies.
doctorremulac3, Dec 24 2023

       Why stay in the house?
Voice, Dec 24 2023

       The plan (obviously the sun would need to be represented by a big pinata, not a single marshmallow) is to leave one's premises entirely, having left the items on public property.
Voice, Dec 24 2023

       //Why stay in the house?//   

       That's a whole new great idea. Okay, since they'd be placed outside, maybe on top of a tree branch or something, not too well hidden, you'd need to wrap them so the birds and squirrels don't get to it, but make it into a treasure hunt taking that map with you. Once you paced off the distance between Jupiter and Saturn when the kids found it you could sit down and read about Saturn while sharing the Saturn shaped cookie.
doctorremulac3, Dec 26 2023

       I don't think a spherical cookie is still a cookie. At a certain degree of spheroidness it becomes a cake.
Voice, Dec 27 2023

       Did I say spherical? I meant round. Already have to deal with the issue of massive amounts of cookie due to the gas planets.
doctorremulac3, Dec 29 2023

       You said //Saturn shaped//. If you meant something else I'm sure you would have said it.
Voice, Dec 30 2023

       Well, Saturn shaped and flat. It’s a cookie.
doctorremulac3, Dec 30 2023

       //Saturn shaped and flat.//   

       Saturn is not flat.
Voice, Dec 31 2023

       There’s flat Earthers, there’s probably flat Saturners too.
doctorremulac3, Dec 31 2023


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