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Strip Uno

Twist on the game.
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After each round, the person left with the most points in their hand removes an article of clothing.
the great unknown, Jun 28 2007

Uno Special Packs http://en.wikipedia...game)#Special_packs
[nuclear hobo, Jun 28 2007]

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       Hey Uno is widely played by people who have religious objections to using face cards.
Galbinus_Caeli, Jun 28 2007

       Strip X   

       Strip Y   

       Strip ZZZZZzzzzz...
nomocrow, Jun 28 2007

       I assume instead of "Skip" cards there would be "Strip" cards.
phundug, Jun 28 2007

       //I assume instead of "Skip" cards there would be "Strip" cards//   

       Hmm, you could just make those cards, and a new set of "official" rules, to slip into a regular Uno game... AMONG ADULTS... if there ever is such a thing.   

       Sort of like the additional Monopoly Rules...
ye_river_xiv, Jun 29 2007

       I was imagining a Fiat Uno with all the inessential weight removed for performance reasons.
pertinax, Jun 29 2007

       //Hey Uno is widely played by people who have religious objections to using face cards. // [Galbinus_Caeli] Are you trying to refute the anno about the average age of Uno players? I don't think that these are adults who would play "strip" anything!
gardnertoo, Jul 01 2007

       //First, consider the age of most Uno players, you pedophile.// - Woah! That's a bit harsh isn't it?
wagster, Jul 01 2007

       /a Fiat Uno with all the inessential weight removed for performance reasons./   

       <Reflects fondly, then is saddened by memory of corrosion-induced farewell>
Texticle, Jul 01 2007


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