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The TV That Rewards

You're a valued customer, but what are you worth?
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There are a lot of ideas around for flipping or filling the TV when the adverts come on.

That'll never happen, because TV companies want you to watch the ads. That's why (most) channels don't charge a viewing fee.

But to make it easier on the viewer, it would be nice if there was a genuine reward scheme for watching the ads. Maybe if every time you successfully viewed an ad (digital TV knows when a full commercial has played on your screen), you are awarded a point.

To prove that you are there and you haven't just left your telly on all day, you could press The Red Button (TM) to claim your points.

Points could then be exchanged for gifts, goods and services, or subs to extra channels. I want that one which shows women doing naked things.

kpx, Dec 24 2002

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       Aww, and you were doing so well up until the last sentence. No croissant from me until it's gone.
egbert, Dec 24 2002

       I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume that, "women doing naked things" refers to one of those lifestyle channels where they talk about their feelings and expose their emotions.
friendlyfire, Dec 24 2002

       //That's why (most) channels don't charge a viewing fee.//
In the US at least, this is a bit of a myth. Most channels charge cable or satellite operators a few cents per month per subscriber. This fee is passed through to you via your cable/satellite bill, and not itemized. Thus you are led to believe that most basic cable channels are "free" and are presumably more tolerant of advertising on them. In fact they are not free at all, but have a mixed revenue model exactly like magazines.

       Doesn't really invalidate your idea, I just like to debunk this particular myth when it comes up.
krelnik, Dec 24 2002

       TV ads are brian poisen. You can't pay me to watch them. Poor people would end up watching even more TV-- since TV makes you spend money on stupid things this could be very bad. No, I want Ad free television, till then I'm still not watching the damn thing.
futurebird, Dec 24 2002

       Hey, how about a contract option that allows you to pay a little extra to have "your" adverts diverted to the local jail? Criminals could earn rewards for watching adverts all day long. The brian poison won't have any effect since they're in no position to make "consumer choices", the TV companies will still get their revenue, and customers who opt for this service probably wouldn't have allowed themselves to be influenced in the first place, so there will be no discernible effect on the advertising/sales relationship.   

       PS TV only "makes" you spend money on stupid things if you're stupid enough to buy stupid things.
egbert, Dec 24 2002

       Sorry egbert, but that wouldn't be being true to myself. Overall, I have to say I like ad breaks. They remind you that you're wasting your time watching TV. Also, they can be entertaining and can even serve as a popular cultural talking point. Budweiser anybody?
kpx, Dec 24 2002

       They're also a useful point at which the weak minded can attempt to force their quivering forefinger reluctantly towards the off button. Or so I'm told.
egbert, Dec 25 2002


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