Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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How much are you really paying for that coffee?
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Imagine a thermos with a keypad and LCD readout on the side. When you go to a coffeeshop, have the guy/gal behind the counter give you the coffee in your Thermo-Val. The Thermo-Val has some variety of mechanism inside (haven't entirely figured out how this will work) that weighs the coffee. You input exactly how much you paid for it on the side of the Thermo-Val and it calculates the price-per-ounce. This could be very useful for going around town to see which coffeeshop is the best value.
maabbott88, Mar 06 2004


       A simple spring based scale fitted to the bottom of the thermos could measure coffee (calibrate to zero when empty).   

       You are apparently on a very important mission to keep the coffee shops honest. Here's a croissant, you're going to need the energy if you're to succeed- give 'em hell!
1st2know, Mar 06 2004

       I still prefer the primitive cost/taste ratio self-analysis procedure, myslef. No real nifty device required.
Letsbuildafort, Mar 06 2004

       The cost/taste ratio is effective, but you don't get the spiffy factor. I'm a self-professed gadget man, and with my limited income (I'm fifteen years old and I don't have a job) I am pretty much limited to making stuff up. Although I do know how to build a lo-fi converter for electric guitar.
maabbott88, Mar 07 2004


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