Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Judge someones personality by the car they drive.
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We've all done it, judged someone by the car they drive. How many times have you, after nearly having being rundown by a silver BMW sportscar, come to the conclusion "that guy is a...."

So, i propose we roll all these over flash and badly driven cars into one new brand the "Wan-Car".

imagooAJ, Nov 21 2000


       Oh, we get it. It may not be as common over here, but we still snicker when someone says "Wankel rotary engine."
Uncle Nutsy, Nov 21 2000

       I confess, it took me a couple of seconds. How about a replacement label and/or logo to put on the car?   

       BTW, I think Wan-Kar has a nice, German sound to it.
phoenix, Sep 13 2001

       Wan car as in wide area network car? I think a pubwan car would be neat.
LoriZ, Sep 13 2001

       Rods - or the concrete company called hard-on
po, Sep 13 2001

       Chevy Nova was a hard car to sell in Mexico.   

       NO VA = Does not go in Spanish.
popbottle, Jul 13 2015


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