Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Grind beans and pour water on them. - in a thermal vacuum
  (+7, -2)
(+7, -2)
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Put clean whole coffee beans in chamber A of a small 2 chambered- thermal vacuum chamber with a valve betwen the two chambers. Pump down both chambers to very low pressure, with the empty chamber (chamber B) at slightly lower pressure. Grind the beans with a grinder, and then begin heating the grounds. As the oils and other aromatic compounds (the flavor) outgasses from the grounds, the valve separating chamber A and B is opened, drawing the these flavors into chamber B but leaving the solids of the grounds behind in A. The valve is then closed and a small amount of very hot water vapor is injected into chamber B. The pressure of the chambers is then returned to ambient and the hot water + coffee flavor mixture is condensed at a hot but not boiling temperature. It is then dispensed in a cute little white cup on a little white saucer and promptly served to me with a chocolate glazed donut and the comics pages from the morning's paper.
gomer, Jul 31 2008


       Vacuuffee (+)   

       [-] This idea assumes that all of the flavor compounds can be forced to evaporate or sublimate, when exposed to sufficiently low pressure, without any of the distasteful (bitter) components doing the same.
goldbb, Jul 07 2009

       I don't think that you will get a drinkable beverage, no tannins, no acids, few favinoids, limited oil and phenol extraction. Really quite a waste.
WcW, Jul 08 2009

       /no tannins, no acids/ I bet people would drink coffee minus the yucky parts. This beverage would be the wine cooler answer to cabernet sauvignon. I know some diehards think the bitter parts are integral to the experience coffee, just as some think the suffering is intergral to the experience of childbirth. There is room in the world for all of us.   

       Yeah, even you if you move over a bit.
bungston, Jul 08 2009


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