Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Rent a phone and save your privacy with it
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Many businesses have taken to demanding a person's phone number and/or the installation of an "app" as a cost of doing business with them. This is unacceptable. For those of us unwilling to compromise our privacy Myburnerphone is here!

For a nominal fee this company will install any app onto a phone with your area code. It can text anything to any number or make any call. It will pass on by voice, text, or email, whatever message is sent as a response to this.

Voice, Oct 17 2018

Please log in.
If you're not logged in, you can see what this page looks like, but you will not be able to add anything.
Short name, e.g., Bob's Coffee
Destination URL. E.g., https://www.coffee.com/
Description (displayed with the short name and URL.)

       Can you have it send a text to my 'friends' in the GRU concerning having them snatch a certain few troublesome journalists that I'd like to have eliminated?
RayfordSteele, Oct 17 2018


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